Office appointments and ends of term are listed below. For a list grouped by role area, and for baronial officers, see Heralds' Titles in An Tir.
Black Lion Principal Herald [Jul 2018]
Oddr Þiálfason
c/o Keith J. Farmer
email: blacklion (AT) antir (DOT) org
Æstel Herald (Consulting/Research Assistance Deputy) [Job Description] [Jun 2019]
Erik Loren Elcara
email: aestel (AT) antir (DOT) org
Argent Scroll Herald (Education/Training Deputy)
Kattera Giese
email: argentscroll (AT) antir (DOT) org
Belated Rose Pursuivant (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Gwenlianna Clutterbooke
email: belated-rose (AT) antir (DOT) org
Black Stag Herald Extraordinary (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Zenobia Naphtali
c/o Leslie A. Schweitzer
email: black-stag (AT) antir (DOT) sca (DOT) org
Blue Anchor Herald (Electronic Communications Deputy) [Job Description] [Jun 2019]
email: blueanchor (AT) antir (DOT) org
Boar Pursuivant (Internal Letter, Lions Blood Deputy) [Job Description] [Apr 2019]
Emelyn Fulredy
email: boar (AT) antir (DOT) org
Carp Herald (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Marya Kargashina
email: carp (AT) antir (DOT) org
Cheval et Lion Herald (Heraldic Artist) [Jan 2019]
Jadwiga Radomyska
email: chevaletlion (AT) antir (DOT) org
Couronne Rouge Herald (Roll of Arms Deputy)
Frederic Badger
c/o Brander Roullett
email: couronnerouge (AT) antir (DOT) org
Demi-Lion Herald (Quarterly reports, Contingency) [Job Description] [Sep 2018]
Marya Kargashina
email: demilion (AT) antir (DOT) org
Dexter Gauntlet Herald (Order of Precedence)
Caius Foxcotte
email: dextergauntlet (AT) antir (DOT) org
Goutte de Sang Herald (Heraldic "rabble rouser" for the Principality of the Summits)
Finngall McKetterick
email: gouttedesang (AT) antir (DOT) org
Jambe de Lion Herald (Heraldic "rabble rouser" for the Inlands region)
Juliana de Luna
email: jambedelion (AT) antir (DOT) org
Lily Pernicious Herald (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Rhieinwylydd verch Einion Llanaelhaearn
email: lilypernicious (AT) antir (DOT) org
Lions Blood Herald (Submissions) [Job Description] [Jul 2019]
Caitrina inghean Aindrasia
email: lionsblood (AT) antir (DOT) org
Lion's Heart (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Basil Dragonstrike
email: lionsheart (AT) antir (DOT) org
Lion's Sword (Ceremonial) [Sep 2018]
Natasha Orionova Zateeva
email: lionssword (AT) antir (DOT) org
Löwenmähne Herald (Crown Event Field Deputy) [Job Description] [May 2019]
Arnora Grimsdottir
email: lowenmahne (AT) antir (DOT) org
Mano d'Oro Herald (Court Heraldry Herald) [Job Description] [Sep 2018]
Lissette de la Rose
email: manodoro (AT) antir (DOT) org
Ounce Herald (New Branch Liaison, New Branch Herald Support) [Sep 2018]
Brendan ap Llewelyn
email: ounce (AT) antir (DOT) org
Pernicious Lily Herald (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Zahra bint al-Rammah
email: perniciouslily (AT) antir (DOT) org
Pomegranate Herald Extraordinary (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Elisabeth de Rossignol
email: pomegranate (AT) antir (DOT) org
Pursestrings Herald (CoH Financial Deputy)
Genevieve Marie Etiennette de Montagne
email: pursestrings (AT) antir (DOT) org
Queue Forchée Herald (Contingency) [Jul 2018]
Richenda du Jardin
c/o Susan Wensel
email: queueforchee (AT) antir (DOT) org
Sable Sable Herald (Kingdom Scribe) [Head of College of Scribes, not a Black Lion deputy]
Sarra the Brave
email: scribe (AT) antir (DOT) org
Sable Chime Herald (Black Lion Staff) [Job Description]
Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
email: sablechime (AT) antir (DOT) org
Sable Mountain Herald (Royal Court)
Appointed by the Crown for Their Reign
Silver Rose Pursuivant (Inlands Region Reporting Deputy) [Sep 2018]
Fina MacGrioghair
email: silverrose (AT) antir (DOT) org
Sinister Gauntlet Herald (Notifications, Lions Blood Deputy) [Job Description] [Apr 2019]
Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov
email: sinistergauntlet (AT) antir (DOT) org
Town Crier Pursuivant (Kingdom event cries) [Job Description] [May 2019]
Ylva Annarsdottir
email: towncrier (AT) antir (DOT) org
Bleu Grael Herald (Summits Principality)
Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne
email: bleugraelherald (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Silver Yale Herald (Tir Righ Principality)
Garet D'Oiron
email: herald (AT) tirrigh (DOT) org
Black Falcon, Black Talbot, Grey Goose Shaft, Hastae Leonis, Iron Chain, Lion et de la Lance, Lions Arrow, Lion's Rapier, Loyall, Main de Saint Nicholas, Monforet, Muckin' Tall Maul, Rivers, Shattered Shield, Silver Lily, Thorasian Cross, Throne's Favor