
Effective today, the office of Löwenmähne Herald is accepting applications until 1 April 2017, with a decision planned shortly thereafter.

Löwenmähne is responsible for organizing the tournament heraldry at Crown Tournaments, Coronation, and 12th Night, and ensuring coverage of town crier duties at An Tir/West War (when An Tir is hosting). This involves assigning heralds to each list that is open for heavy fighting and rapier fighting for all the tournaments that request it (Crown Tournament is always heralded). In addition, as the fighters sign in for Crown Tournament, Löwenmähne provides them with their precedence order in coordination with Dexter Gauntlet, and with voice heralds to assist in announcing each with their inspiration. Löwenmähne also coordinates with Black Lion to ensure the heralds' pavilion is set up on the list field at Crown Tournament.

This job requires working with the marshals and the list ministers to ensure a smoothly run tournament.  It is heavily recommended that Löwenmähne be at all Crown Tournament and Coronation events, and when applicable An Tir/West War.

You do not need to have a great voice to do either job as long as you can wrangle volunteers and organize the necessary activities.  This is a great job if you tend to specialize in at-event service but shy away from paperwork behind the scenes.

Time requirement:

This position requires:

Duties & Responsibilities:

Please submit SCA and relevant modern resumé to Black Lion and Löwenmähne.