An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium
March 29 & 30, 2008


Please pre-register for classes to assure a space. All classes have class size limits due to the size of the facility and/or structure of the class, and instructors need to know how many handouts to bring.

Pre-registration also allows the line at gate to be shorter for you and move swiftly for everyone.

To register, contact Lord Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Argent Scroll Herald at: argent-scroll (AT) antir (DOT) sca (DOT) org. Please use the subject line:  PRE-REG.

Pre-registrations must be received by Saturday, March 22, 2008.

In your pre-registration request, please include your name, classes you wish to take, total cost of your classes, and e-mail address for confirmation. You will receive a confirming email by the 23rd.

Payment for classes is on accepted on-site only. Please do not send any payment at this time.

TIME Track I - Voice Track II - Names
Track III - Armory Track IV -
General & Administrative
9AM How to do Court 
Kateline Mano d'Oro
Cost: $1.00
    The Heraldic Oath
Gwenlian Demi-lion
Cost: $0.50
Names for Nomads Ursula Loyall
Cost: $1.00

Basic Voice Heraldry
Elizabeth Löwenmähne
No Cost
The Tools of Conflict Checking
Teceangl Bach
Cost: $0.50

Reporting and Warranting
Gwenlian Demi-lion
Cost: $0.50
How to do Court Without Having a Nervous Breakdown
Natasha Orionova Zateeva
Cost: $0.50
Helping Submitters understand
why their Name and/or Armory didn't pass
in its current form

Elizabeth Löwenmähne &
Ciaran Argent Scroll
No Cost
Rules for Submissions (RfS) &
The Administrative Handbook

Teceangl Bach
Cost: $0.50
Intermediate Voice-Heraldry:
Making Your Voice Work for You

Natasha Orionova Zateeva
Cost: $3.00
Russian Names
Marya Kargashina
Cost: $1.00
Twenty Questions
Gwenlian Demi-lion
Cost: $0.50


Running a Consulting Table
Teceangl Bach
Cost: $0.50

How to do Court

Baroness Kateline MacFarlane, Mano d'Oro Herald has seen Court from both sides: formerly Baroness of Three Mountains, she was well-known as a court herald before occupying that baronial bench. She will share her wealth of knowledge about pacing, voice usage and ritual.

Basic Voice Heraldry

Lady Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle, Löwenmȃhne Herald, will discuss vocal technique, the care and feeding of your voice and standard procedures for Field and Town Cry duty.

How to do Court Without Having a Nervous Breakdown

HL Natasha Orionova Zateeva, formerly BeWayre Pursuivant and Vox Leonis Herald is a self-confessed "court junkie", and will show you how to do courts well without stressing yourself to the breaking point.

So, someone has asked you to herald their court. This class will give you the tools you need to make this a less daunting prospect. This class is also helpful for those who are considering service to the SCA as a Baronial or Royal noble.

Students should bring note taking materials.

Intermediate Voice-Heraldry: Making Your Voice Work for You

HL Natasha Orionova Zateeva gives you an experienced view toward making the best use of your voice.

If you are a voice herald, or would like to be, this class will help you understand how to make your voice work for you. We will work to identify and refine the skills needed to make a more theatrical, and thus more interesting, court, field, or town cry presentation.

Proposed subjects for discussion include projection versus volume, proper breathing, voice inflection, vocal timbre, vocabulary, and making boring announcements interesting. 

Students should bring note-taking materials and be ready to make some noise!

Names for Nomads

HL Ursula Georges, Loyall Pursuivant, says: Want an authentic name for a Scythian, Old Bulgar, Hun, Magyar, Turk, or Mongol? We'll discuss research strategies, literate and illiterate personas, titles, and the registration process. Students interested in a particular culture are encouraged to contact the instructor in advance:  loyall(AT)antir(DOT)sca(DOT)org

Russian Names

Lady Marya Kargashina, formerly Lion's Blood Herald, discusses Russian (and other Slavic) names including formation tecniques.

The Tools of Conflict Checking

HL Teceangl Bach, formerly Lion's Blood Herald, shows you the ins-and-outs of conflict-checking  names, devices and/or badges, including in-depth analyses of the rules, rulings and regulations of conflict checking SCA names and armory. Practical application of RfS, Glossary tables and Laurel precedents. Technical discussion of rules and precedents will cover both consulting and submissions.

Helping Submitters understand

Lady Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle writes the notification letters to submitters for Lion's Blood. HL Ciaran, Argent Scroll, is a former Lion's Blood and Æstel. They have years of experience explaining (in plain English) what all the "herald-speak" is about, and together they will help you to discuss with clients the changes that may assist them to register.

Twenty Questions

HL Gwenlian Catharne discusses the questions that every armory herald needs to be able to answer for submitters.

The Heraldic Oath

HL Gwenlian Catharne, Demi-lion Herald will discuss the Oath in the ceremony for the Creation of a herald. Why do they make you swear to be sober, then offer to make you drunk? Why is there a baptism in there?

Reporting and Warranting

HL Gwenlian Catharne tells you about your required duties as a herald and what to expect from the Kingdom officers.

The Administrative Handbook - Its Use and Necessity

Often overlooked, the Administrative Handbook is an important and required tool for all heralds. HL Teceangl Bach will review its use as a consultation tool, the tables and appendices and their practical application, and how and when to reference it.

Information presented should be of use to branch heralds and consulting heralds specifically.

Running a Consulting Table

HL Teceangl Bach, long-term consulting herald, will show you how to manage consulting at events and meetings. This will include an overview of references, how to find staff, managing extended consults and more. The handout will include lists of things to have and to know.