News from the autocrat, Tuesday April 13, 2004

Heraldic Symposium Update:

Just a quick note on the Heraldic Symposium, tournament times as well as the directions to the class location and the feast location are now attached to the event copy on the Myrgan Wood Website at:

Please note that the Classes will be held on the University of Saskatchewan campus and the feast will be at Saint Martyrs Canadiens 1628 9th Avenue North. There is also a Church with same name as the feast hall with a different address (on Windsor Street). The feast is not there, despite the fact I accidentally put its address on the event copy originally.

Also, if you haven't reserved feast tickets yet and you are planning to eat, please reserve a place by emailing me at "abennett_AT_coverall_DOT_net".



An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium 2004

April 17, 2004
Barony of Myrgan Wood
University of Saskatchewan/Saints Martyrs Canadiens
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Autocrats: Lord Armatus
HE Baron Raoul Delaroche
Herald In Charge: Morel Black Stag

We are pleased to be offering classes in all areas of heraldry - voice, name and device. As well, the Symposium will include a consultation table for people hoping to create and/or submit a name and device..  Classes are scheduled from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm, with lunch from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

For event copy, including feast information and site fees, see below.

Some classes may charge a class fee to cover the cost of handouts and/or supplies provided. The fees are posted in the class descriptions below.

Pre-registration is required by Sunday April 11, though the class fees will be paid at the door on the day of the event. To register for classes, please email Morel Black Stag or mail your requests to:

Annie Zupanic, 71 Surfside Drive, Campbell River, BC, Canada, V9H 1H7

Class Schedule

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

9:00 am. - 11:00 am Basic Heraldry

Francesca Testerossa de' Martini

German Names

Teceangl Bach

Basic Voice

Ciaran Cluana Ferta

Order of Precedence      (1 hour)

Shauna of Carrick Point

Meet Laurel

Shauna of Carrick Point, Laurel Designate

11:00 am - 1:00 pm How To Be A Consulting Herald

Teceangl Bach


Celtic Names

Ciaran Cluana Ferta

Designing Your Achievement

Frederick Badger

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Heraldry for Non-Heraldic Cultures

Frederick Badger

French Names

Elisabeth de Rossignol


How To Murder Names In Fourteen Languages

Ciaran Cluana Ferta


Court Heraldry

Shauna of Carrick Point 

4:00 pm - 6 pm Heraldic Display

Elisabeth de Rossignol

Chat with Badger Black Lion

(1 hour - 5 to 6 pm)

Class Descriptions

Basic Heraldry
Instructor: HL Francesca Testerossa de' Martini, ®stel Herald
Time: 9am ö 11am (2 hours); Class fee: $2.50

Basic Heraldry provides a quick overview of the historic use of heralds and the various ways heralds function within the society, with a final section on the basic rules for designing a badge or device. This two hour class necessarily scants blazonry; however, if students express a desire for blazonry over history, the class is easily adjustable.

German Names
Instructor: HL Teceangl Bach, Ounce Herald
Time: 9am ö 11am (2 hours); Class fee: $0.50

Basics of the composition and construction of Germanic dialect names from the end of the Gothic period to 1600. An overview of readily available sources will be given, as well. As several dialects of German existed in period, there will be wanderings into Saxon, Gothic, Frisian, and perhaps even Old English. Students should bring note-taking materials and any German resources they might have. Research books will be available..

Basic Voice
Instructor: HL Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Goutte de Sang Herald
Time: 9am ö 11am (2 hours); Class fee: $1.00

How to use your voice without going home hoarse. We will cover basic voice techniques for Court, Field and Town Crier. This "lungs-on" course, involves some minor physical contact. We will also discuss heraldic set-up for tournament and feast, planning the event and basic care and feeding of heralds.

Order Of Precedence Spreadsheet Sorting Program
Instructor: Mistress Shauna of Carrick Point, Laurel Designate
Time: 9am ö 10am (1 hour); No class fee

In order to provide a standard for Order of Precedence, some sort of system is needed that encompasses all Kingdoms in the SCA. This program attempts to accomplish that, and the class is to explain the reasons for and use of the sorting program.

Meet Laurel
Instructor: Mistress Shauna of Carrick Point, Laurel Designate
Time: 10am ö 11am (1 hour); No class fee

A question and answer section with the new Laurel Sovereign of Arms (taking office the day of the Symposium).

How To Be A Consulting Herald
Instructor: HL Teceangl Bach, Ounce Herald
Time: 11am ö 1pm (2 hours); Class fee: $0.50

It's not just a job, it's an adventure! Discover all the steps involved in being a full-service consulting herald following your client's progress from when they first approach you for assistance through registration. How to handle problems and setbacks will be addressed, as well as learning your role as client advocate and College interpreter. Students should bring note-taking materials and specific questions.

Celtic Names
Instructor: HL Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Goutte de Sang Herald
Time: 11am ö 1pm (2 hours); Class fee: $1.00

Design and construction of names in Irish, Scots, Manx and Welsh. While not an exhaustive course, we will discuss general principals and successful studemts will be able to generate names that are not only SCA-compatible, but historically accurate for these languages.

Designing Your Achievement
Instructor: HL Frederic Badger, Black Lion Herald
Time: 11am ö 1pm (2 hours); Class fee: $0.50

This class will cover the basics of designing a heraldic achievement. We will cover a basic overview of the elements in an achievement, who is entitled to display which elements based on awards and rank in the SCA, and a little history behind each piece.

Heraldry For Non-Heraldic Cultures
Instructor: HL Frederic Badger, Black Lion Herald
Time: 2pm ö 4pm (2 hours); Class fee: $0.50

This class will be a discussion on how to design and submit heraldry for non-standard heraldic cultures. Topics will include cultures that have something akin to heraldry such as Japanese, and Islamic that can be adapted for use in the SCA. Also covered will be cultures without a defined system of heraldry but are popular SCA persona's such as "Norse" and "Celtic". The class covers an approach for designing SCA compatible heraldry, and heraldic display that can reflect a chosen persona. Other topics to covered include filling out the forms, artwork styles, and more.

French Names
Instructor: Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol, Pomegranate Herald
Time: 2pm ö 4pm (2 hours); Class fee: $1.00

The class will explore the development of French given names and bynames in the context of the evolution of the French language and of French social and political history, from Roman times to the Renaissance. Regional and ethnic variants will be discussed as well. Some familiarity with the French language is useful but not necessary.

How To Murder Names In Fourteen Languages
Instructor: HL Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Goutte de Sang Herald
Time: 2pm ö 6pm (4 hours); Class fee: $2.00

Ever get frustrated by that herald screwing up that "easy" Norse/Russian/French combination name? Here we will discuss the internal clues which point to correct language identification (and therefore pronunciation rules) by examining several names in different language families. This course is helpful for court and field heralds.

Court Basics - How To Keep Things Moving and Not Lose Your Head!
Instructor: Mistress Shauna of Carrick Point, Laurel Designate
Time: 2pm ö 4pm (2 hours); No class fee

How to set up a Court - any level - and run it well. What must be done before Court for setup, who will be behind the thrones with you and what you need to have, coordinating with the event staff as well as the Royal Party. What to avoid during Court. How to keep the audience's interest even when things don't go smoothly. Don't forget your paperwork!

Heraldic Display
Instructor: Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol, Pomegranate Herald
Time: 4pm ö 6pm (2 hours); Class fee: $1.00

Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Heraldry is beautiful as well as functional, period artisans used it in many different media and so can you--all you need is a little creativity. We will look at period heraldic display and decoration and discuss ways you can adapt these for your own use. Get ideas for how to heraldically decorate your garb, camp, fighting gear, children, pets, horse trappings, bird cages, candle snuffers, belt buckles, book covers, underwear .....

Chat With Black Lion
Instructor: HL Frederic Badger, Black Lion Herald
Time: 5pm ö 6pm (1 hour); No class fee

Schedule of Sunday Meetings

10:00 a.m. Black Lion Meeting

Meeting will be held at: TBA

An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium 2004 Event Information

April 17, 2004
hosted by the Barony of Myrgan Wood
Saskatoon, SK, Canada

The Barony of Myrgan Wood invites the good gentles of Avacal, An Tir, and the rest of the Known World to a Symposium of the heraldic arts. A multitude of marvelous activities await you followed by a fantastic feast to close the day.

Are you a branch herald, a voice herald, or do you need to learn more about the subject for your sergeantry trials or your own purposes? We have a variety of classes to suit all of these needs. This year we are offering name classes for a variety of cultures (German, Celtic, Russian & Slavic), Heraldry For Non-Heraldic Cultures, and a name pronunciation class (great for voice heralds!). We are also covering How To Be A Consulting Herald, Basic Heraldry, Basic Voice, and Court Heraldry, Russian Illumination, and more! A more detailed class list will be available on the event websites listed below.

Are you wanting to design a device or document a name? A consultation table for you to help you get your device and name approved with fewer surprises and less frustration.

Are you a heavy or rapier fighter? There will be prize tournaments during the day for both heavy fighters and rapier fighters. The tournaments will both be of a heraldic nature and details for them will be posted on the event web sites listed below.

Are you hungry after this exciting day's activities? A feast will be held following the day's activities for those involved. There will be a prize for the most heraldic table setting at the feast as well as the most heraldic garb.

Are you wondering where this event will be taking place and what it will cost? The main event location will be Saints Martyrs Canadiens located at 1007 Windsor Street, Saskatoon, SK. Detailed directions will be available on the event web sites listed below.
Site Fee - $8 (children under 16 are free)
Feast - $10 (children 10- 16 pay $5)
Non-Member Surcharge - $4
Cheques payable to: SCA - Myrgan Wood.

Are you from beyond Myrgan Wood's borders? Contact Armatus for arranging crash space and airport pickups.

The Autocrats for this event are:
Lord Armatus
mka Andrew Bennett
Ph:(306) 683-4356

Baron Raoul Delaroche
mka Duane Walker
Ph: (306) 651-2599

The event information can be found on the websites: - for class information - for other information

SCA Herald's office badge: Vert, two crossed trumpets Or. Back to the An Tir College of Heralds

This is the web site of the An Tir College of Heralds of the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc.
It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policies.

Updated: April 13, 2004