An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium 2002

Hosted by the Barony of Glymm Mere



Event Steward: Natasha Orionova Zateeva, orionova@juno.com or orionova@hotmail.com


We Want You!!Ê Discover the secrets of what heralds REALLY do!Ê

The An Tir College of Heralds invite you to the Kingdom Heraldic Symposium, March 23-24, 2002.

There are classes for scribes, book heralds, court heralds, field heralds, heraldic artists, illuminators·. for anyone who is interested in heraldry or scribal pursuits of any kind.


Event site fee is $7.00 which includes the potluck feast main dish. There is a kitchen for storage and heating.

Classes are $1.00/class to cover the cost of handouts. Pre-reg strongly encouraged, but funds to be paid at door. Additional fees may be collected by the instructor(s) to cover specific supplies. [see class descriptions below].

To PRE-REGISTER: contact Baron David of Moffat, amoffatamoffat@juno.com, or David Hunter of Montlaw, 1703 Crosby Court SW, Tumwater, WA 98512


The Saturday site is the Shelton Civic Center in Shelton, Washington. Shelton is near Olympia (approximately 25 miles away) on Highway 101.

Directions:Ê From I-5 north or south, take Exit 104 (Highway 101). Just past Mud Bay,Ê exit to the right to stay on 101.Ê Take first Shelton exit (Highway 3), turn right at bottom of ramp.Ê Turn left at Cota Street (4th stop light), continue 5 blocks to Civic Center on the left.Ê


There are approximately 80 parking spaces outside the Civic Center. The Shelton Inn (motel) is within easy walking distance, as are food establishments including a coffee shop next to the motel. The phone for motel reservations and information is (360) 426-4468 or (800) 451-4560.



Saturday classes


Classes are $1.00/class to cover the handout. Additional supplies fees may be collected by the instructor(s).








Basic Book Heraldry


Elisabeth de Rossignol


Heraldry for the complete beginner. We will go over tinctures, field divisions, ordinaries, various charge types, elementary blazon and the principles of design. The herald's role in the Middle Ages and in the SCA will also be discussed, and students will be introduced to the Rules for Submission, Laurel Precedents and the various resources available for the beginning herald.


Basic Voice/Field Heraldry


Ciaran Cluana Ferta


How to go home from the

tournament with a voice. We will discuss organization of

heraldry for the tourney, and how to maintain your sanity and voice. This course includes some hands-on vocal technique practicum.



Court Protocol for the Herald (and non-Herald)


Beatrice Domenici della Campana


Students in this class will learn basic Precedence for organizing a Grand March, and for arranging a High Table at feast.Ê Discussion will also

touch on regalia of rank, and proper forms of address.

Students should bring note taking materials, and any questions they might have.Ê Handout will be provided, and will include Kingdom Law on

Precedence, as well as the Precedence of the Landed Nobles of the Kingdom

(Principality and Baronial).

ãWhat Their Excellencies meant to say...": Court Practicum for Everyone


Natasha Orionova Zateeva, David of Moffat, Kateryn of Falconkeep


What the nobles need from the herald, what the herald needs from the nobles, and what anyone involved needs to know in order for courts to run smoothly. This includes everyone who is or might one day be, a coronet, a royal, a herald, a retinue member, a scribe... anyone who would have anything to do with the interaction between this group, or even as a member of the populace who'd just like to know how it all works.


Name Pronunciation Tips for Court & Field Heralds (or, How to Mangle Names in 14 Languages)


Ciaran Cluana Ferta


A course for Voice Heralds, we will examine the internal clues in names which will assist you in making a good attempt at properly pronouncing that impossible (Russian/ Slavic, Greek, Germanic/ Dutch/Norse, Irish/Scots,

Welsh, French, Spanish/ Portugese, Italian, Arabic, etc.) name you've just been handed.


Heralds in History: Who were they, what did they do, and what did everyone think of them.


Zenobia Naphtali


This class will discuss the the heraldic profession and the place of the herald in Medieval and Renaissance society. Included will be: responsibilities, rights (including costume/regalia and fees), and contemporary accounts (as salacious as I can dig up).



Researching and Preparing a Scroll


Instructor Change:

Adrianna the Fierce


Using the online armorial, the Pic Dic and other tools of the scribal and heraldic trade, we will research and prepare to execute an actual scroll assignment from the An Tir scribal back-log as an example. This class will concentrate on the "paper-work" that goes along with a scroll assignment, such as the proper spelling of the recipients name, the date on which the award was given, the name of the King and Queen which gave the award, the proper text of the scroll, including the 5 basic textual elements to any scroll text. It will also talk about the

various methods for determining such things as an appropriate Locale and Date for the scrolls model (i.e. what kind of "Persona" the scroll

should aim for), and how to pick the best colors. We will also discuss incorporating personal elements from the recipient. Lastly, we will

talk about sneakiness, secrecy, and the art of disinformation when it comes to keeping the recipient of a "surprise" scroll in the dark.


How to do Effective Commenting


Teceangl Bach


This will cover using the various SCA and non-SCA resources for commenting

and explore methods for presenting commentary in the most useful fashion.

We will comment on the February An Tir Internal Letter for practice, or

for real, as each student desires.Ê Actual Letters of Commentary from

established commenters will be reviewed as examples.


Students are encouraged to bring their commentary materials; books, O&A,

PicDic, copies of electronic resources, SCA heraldic rules & regs, etc.


May the Furs Be With YouÊÊ


Iago ab Adam


This course will examine the use, layout, and form of ermine and vair and their variants throughout Western Europe during the heraldic period. Included will be instructions on drawing, painting and embroidering the different shapes and forms of the furs. Students should bring note taking materials, blank (drawing) paper, pencil.


Gottingen Model Book Illumination


Cystennin Ap Gereint





Egg Tempera Painting


Aelana Cordovera


Egg tempera is an ancient paint method, using egg yolk as the medium for sticking pigment to the paper.Ê Once dry it is waterproof, (think

egg on a plate) and transparent, so subtle shading is possible.Ê I use powdered

historical pigments, though gouache and watercolour may be used quite successfully.


We will explore the "float" system used on panels, and the "dry

brush" system used on manuscript and shading layers of panels.Ê A

supplies list will be in the handout, but everything neccessary will be at the class.Ê Just bring a favourite brush if you have one, size 0 - 2.


Supplies fee: $1.50 to the instructor.


Silk Banner Painting


Adrianna the Fierce


Silk painting is a period technique for decoration on fabric, especially for flags with heraldry. This class is a demo and a workshop, where you can learn how to get silk, paint it, treat it, and create naturally

double-sided flags in one-quarter the time that acrylics or sewing would take. Also discussed are the types of heraldic display on different

shapes of flags.


Supplies fee: $5.00 to instructor and includes several handouts and your own heraldic silk project to take home. Bring sketches that fit 10" round diameter.




Sunday Schedule:


Location: Maps to be given out onsite Saturday, or contact Event Steward directly: Natasha Orionova Zateeva, orionova@juno.com or orionova@hotmail.com


9amÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Black Lion mtg

10amÊÊÊÊÊÊ Wreath meeting (armory decision meeting for the Laurel College of Arms)

afternoonÊ Lions Blood meeting




Last updated, February 27, 2002