2009 An Tir Heraldic Symposium Class List
Meadhbha Argent Scroll Herald is handling classes. Please email her at meadhbhabran@yahoo.com for pre-registration.
9 AM Site opens
10 AM How to Comment on the Internal Letter — Meadhbha Argent Scroll, from Teceangl Ounce's notes
How to Document a Name Not Quite Within an Inch of Its Life — Juliana Æstel
Basic Voice Protocol — Earc Mountain Edge
1PM Intermediate Voice — Natasha Orionova Zateeva
How to Consult to Win friends and Influence People — Richenda du Jardin
Period Bordures — Meadhbha Argent Scroll, from Teceangl Ounce's notes
Plants for Heralds — Earc Mountain Edge
3PM Basic Branch Herald Administration — Meadhbha Argent Scroll
More Period Armory — Richenda du Jardin
Italian Names — Juliana Æstel
(Intermediate Voice continued)
5pm Classes end
6PM Feast (The autocrat wishes to remind people to bring their own feast gear. The host shire invites participants to share any bardic talents they may have during the feast as they wish this to be a fun and fabulous event for all. The site is discreetly dry. (To quote the autocrat: "People are welcome to bring along a beverage of choice, but it needs to be presented anachronistically.")