Peerage Regalia

There are three Orders of Peerage, all equal. These are the Chivalry, the Laurel, and the Pelican. Members of any Order are considered Peers of the Realm.

Chivalry who are also Knights may wear a white belt, gold chain, and gold spurs. Chivalry who have elected to be Masters at Arms may wear a white baldric and gold spurs. Knights are addressed as "My Lord/Lady Knight" or "Sir/Dame [name]." Masters and Mistresses of Arms are addressed as "Master/Mistress [name]."

Laurels and Pelicans are entitled to wear a medallion and circlet bearing the badge of their Order. They are addressed as "My Lord/Lady Laurel/Pelican" or "Master/Mistress [name]." There are some Peers who have elected to use other titles, the most common being "Dame."

Pelican, Knighthood, Laurel

Meisterin Trudchen OP, Mistress Arlys OL

Mistress Astrid OP, Mistress Cymbric OL
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