Crier letters from Christopher Black Lion

Black Lion Seal
Seal of
Black Lion Herald

These letters from Black Lion Principal Herald are posted in each issue of the Crier, An Tir's Kingdom newsletter, then archived here on the An Tir Heralds website.

Letter 1 (including a message from the outgoing Black Lion, Frederic Badger)

From the Former Black Lion:
Greetings Noble An Tir!

Yes, it's been about two years since I accepted the weighty responsibility of the checky tabard, and it is time for me to set it down. It has been a very interesting couple of years, and I've learned a lot and grown in many different areas. I would like to thank every one for the support and encouragement that I received during my tenure, it really made the job a joy.

Well, what is next for me? At Summits Heraldic Symposium, I discussed this with my successor and we decided that I would assume the title of Couronne Rouge Herald as part of Black Lion Staff. My duties will be to maintain, update, and keep the Roll of Arms for the Kingdom, and assume the duties of Incipient Branch liaison.

My many thanks for your support, patience and friendship over the last two years, I really do appreciate it. It certainly has been an interesting experience, and I wish Christopher Thomas well in his new role as Black Lion. I intend to stick around and continue working in the College of Heralds, so I'll see you around.

Frederic Badger
Couronne Rouge Herald, An Tir
Arms: Sable, a chalice within an orle argent

From the new Black Lion:

Hail An Tir!

It is with some trepidation I step into the tabard so ably filled by Frederic these past two years. I have been his Just-Add-Water deputy for most of that tenure so I have some idea of how challenging it can be. He managed it well and I can only hope I am even remotely as successful as he was. Thank you for handing me a College in such good shape.

Effective on the First of July, A.S. XL, there is a new Lions Blood Herald. Lions Blood is the Herald tasked with processing name and device submissions in An Tir. I am pleased to announce that Richenda du Jardin is now in that post. Her contact information should be in the Regnum listing soon. I would like to loudly thank Baron David of Moffat. He stepped in at a time when the office was in trouble and has done amazing work restoring it to good shape.

We have three openings in the college. The first and most immediate is for a new Boar Pursuivant. This office is a deputy to Lions Blood and handles much of the internal paperwork. If you have questions or wish to know more about the position please contact Richenda Lions Blood. Baron David has agreed to fill this position temporarily.

Morel Argent Scroll has done amazing things as Argent Scroll, including staying on an extra year. If you are interested in being the education deputy please let her and me know. It really is time to let her rest for a bit.

Quentin Dexter Gauntlet, keeper of the Kingdom Order of Precedence, will be stepping down in September. If you are interested in the position, or even think you might be interested, please contact him. His numerous contact addresses are listed in Regnum and on the Black Lion's Staff List at

In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.

Letter 2

Hail An Tir!

This is the beginning of a small series of articles that come out of this year's Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium. This month I will be writing about something near and dear to many of us: Titles. In the interest of saving space in the Crier I will make this brief. Please forgive me for not going into too much detail here. I will be quite happy to discuss this with anyone who has questions. My email address is

First, on the subject of using more than one title before the name - "Duke Sir", "Baron Master", "Lord Baron", etc. This practice, called title stacking, is very modern. More correct period title usage is to announce people by their highest or preferred title but not by multiple titles. "Duke Hammerhand Hitshard" not "Duke Sir Hammerhand Hitshard", "Master Askme Illdoit" not "Baron Master Askme Illdoit".

On the flip side it is quite acceptable, even encouraged, to add additional information after the name: "Duke Hammerhand Hitshard, Member of the Chivalry, Master of the Laurel, Holder of the Iron Chain, Baron of the Court of An Tir". For an even fancier, more formal sound you can use honorifics such as "His Grace Sir Hammerhand Hitshard, Duke of An Tir, Master of the Laurel, Holder of the Iron Chain, Baron of the Court of An Tir." All of these flourishes add a very nice touch and feel to formal introductions.

For less formal introductions or where repeating a name frequently (for example, in the second or later rounds of a tourney before the final round) you can use the shorter, quicker single title and name, "Duke Hammerhand Hitshard" or "Lord Letme Squashmbad." You should announce title and honors for people when announcing combatants in the first and final round of a tourney or on formal occasions.

When using honorifics please be careful to be sure they are appropriate. For example, Royal Peers and landed Barons and Baronesses are Excellencies (we extend the courtesy honorific to Court Barons and Baronesses as well) but non-royal Peers (Knights, Laurels, and Pelicans) are not.

"Honorable Lord/Lady" is reported to have only been found in use in written form. "Lordship/Ladyship" are a referent (object) form. The direct form of address would still be "Lord/Lady."

Thus, spoken form:

"Good morning, my Lady."
"May I present His Lordship, Viking Vikingson."
"Her Excellency, Baroness Esmeralda of Thisland, has business before this Court"

in written form of address:

"Unto the Honorable Lord John on the Tuesday before Michaelmas..."

In a similar vein, sergeant, squire, protegé, and apprentice are not titles. Corpora specifically prohibits their use that way. It is not appropriate to use them before a name. If announcing that someone is a squire/protegé/apprentice or sergeant/courtier/yeoman/gallant you should say who they are in fealty to. "Cannonfodder Macclesson, squire to Duke Hammerhand" not "squire Cannonfodder Macclesson". "Lord Froderich Ironhand, sergeant to Baroness Esmeralda of Thisland" not "sergeant Froderich Ironhand."

In addition to them not being titles a potentially even more important problem is that it is insulting to the person they are in fealty to. How can anyone know to tell His Grace Duke Hammerhand of the deeds of courtesy his squire has performed if they don't know who Cannonfodder is squired to?. Why is Cannonfodder hiding his association with Duke Hammerhand?

While we're talking about announcing names on the tourney field I would like to take a moment to discuss fighting titles. This is a long standing tradition, true. However, like all traditions it should be reexamined periodically. What exactly is a fighting title? Is a Grant of Arms for years of being a marshal and list mistress a fighting title? What about an AoA that was given in part for growth on the field? No one at the symposium seemed to be able to come up with a good definition or a good reason to limit field calls to strictly fighting titles. We don't limit A&S displays to strictly "A&S titles", why do so on the field?

I am asking all members of the An Tir College of Heralds to give everyone their due and use the title they have earned. If someone has an award that confers a title then call them by that title (but only one of them) unless the holder asks you not to. It does not matter if they are Master Footsbane because they are a Master of Arms or a member of the Order of the Pelican or Laurel. A title comes from an award conferred by Their Majesties or by being a Royal Peer. We should recognize this fact.

I will stop here for this month though there is much more to say.

In Service to Kingdom and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald

Letter 3

Greetings An Tir!

The subject of heraldic tabards comes up fairly regularly. At the most recent Known World Heraldic Symposium I discussed them at length with the other Principal Heralds and other interested parties. As with most things in the Society, traditions vary between Kingdoms. However, we do have some good knowledge of period practice. It is my goal for the An Tir College of Heralds to follow those practices wherever possible.

The first item that comes up is mixing the arms of the employer (the civic or Noble party who employs the herald) with the badge of the College of Arms (the green field with the gold crossed trumpets). There is no period equivalent to this badge. Heralds in period wore a tabard that was strictly their employer's arms. Anyone seen wearing an unbelted tabard showing the arms of a Noble or Noble or other Estate, such as a city, was known to be a herald speaking for them. Likewise, anyone who is actively working as a herald should be wearing an unbelted tabard of the arms of their employer.

Note I said unbelted tabard. That is a very critical distinction between wearing heraldic garb (reserved to the owner of the arms) and a herald's tabard or cloak. Someone acting as a herald should not belt or otherwise obscure the tabard with anything other than a cloak (and that only if it is cold). When wearing the tabard the herald is the voice of their employer and should not be displaying other loyalties (favors, sashes, etc).

I have recently retired two of the three Kingdom tabards. These tabards were quartered with the arms of the Kingdom and the badge of the College. The implications of this quartering are unsettling for those who know what marshaled arms means.

I am not asking any branch with an existing tabard to stop using it. However, any branch that is making a new tabard should avoid placing anything other than their arms (complete with wreath) on the tabard. Each panel of the tabard - front, back, and sleeves if they exist - should be completely filled with the arms of the branch and nothing else.

I encourage branches to have at least two tabards of their arms. One for summer -light weight, easy to clean, good for outdoor use for tourneys and such - and a very fancy, formal one for indoor/winter and court. Baronies might want to consider having multiple summer-weight heraldic tabards as they usually have multiple employed heralds (the branch herald and his or her deputies).

Branches may also wish to make some "generic" tabards. These would have the green field with the crossed gold trumpets on the front and back panel. The sleeves (if there are any) can be green with trumpets or the branch's populace badge. Generic tabards should not have the branch's arms on them anywhere.

In some places at some times during our period pursuivants wore their tabards "athwart" (sleeves to front and back) to signify that they weren't full Heralds. This is not a requirement, I leave it up to each pursuivant to determine if their persona would have done this.

Since the Kingdom is down to only one tabard and needs at least five for all of the active Kingdom Staff Heralds at Crown events I have asked Lady Ellen Fraser to coordinate the creation of several more tabards. She has graciously agreed to do so after Twelfth Night. If you are interested in assisting with this project please contact me and I will put you in touch with her. It is my goal to have at least three tabards by May Crown.

I continue searching for my Just Add Water deputy, Queue Forchée Herald. The job description is fairly simple - mostly assist me with tasks as needed, be ready to step in should I be unavailable and act as my Emergency Contingency Deputy. This is a good position to apply for if you are considering becoming Black Lion at some time in the future. You do not have to intend to become Black Lion and being Queue Forchée does not assure you of being selected but it is good training. Applications will close on the 15th of January, 2006.

In Service to Kingdom and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.

Letter 4

Greetings An Tir!

I am searching for my Just Add Water deputy, Queue Forchée Herald. The job description is fairly simple - mostly assist me with tasks as needed, be ready to step in should I be unavailable and act as my Emergency Contingency Deputy. This is a good position to apply for if you are considering becoming Black Lion at some time in the future. Being Queue Forchée does not assure you of being selected but it is good training.

I am also seeking people who can help make some new Kingdom tabards. I have had to retire two of the three active tabards we had. If you've been wondering why Their Majesties' retinue herald hasn't been wearing a Kingdom tabard, that's why. I hope to be publishing more information on the new tabard creation project along with my long-since promised article on tabards next month.

In Service to Kingdom and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.

Letter 5 (March 2006)

Greetings An Tir!

I have a few bits of business and will then hand the page to Argent Scroll Herald for an important announcement.

I am very happy to announce that as of Twelfth Night the "mini emblazon" is no longer required on any armorial submission in An Tir. The forms are being updated to remove the mini but in the mean time just cross the little picture off and ignore it.

I would like to invite everyone to join us at the An Tir Heraldic Symposium in Wyewood April 8th and 9th.

At Twelfth Night I made a few changes in the Kingdom College's staffing:

Lady Gwenlian Catharne has been named Queue Forchée Herald. In addition to her existing tasks she is now my contingency deputy.

Lord Dafydd Caerfyrddin has been named Sable Mountain Herald. He is responsible for Their Majesties' courts - heralding them and reporting awards to Dexter Gauntlet Herald.

Master Finngall McKetterick has been named Goutte de Sang. He is responsible for heraldic rabble-rousing in Summits. His job is to find us some more heralds there.

Also Lady Juliana de Luna is taking on the additional responsibilities of Jambe de Lion herald. She is the heraldic rabble-rouser in the Inlands area.

Li Ban has been confirmed as Boar Pursuivant.

The college's roster can be viewed at

In Service,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir

Unto the Populace of An Tir from Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald, Kingdom Heraldic Education Deputy, Comes Greetings:

An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium 2006 is nearly upon us (See our ad in this Crier and for details). That means that it's time to start thinking about Kingdom Heraldic Symposium 2007!

I invite all branches of the kingdom to submit bids for next year's KHS. This is a small event that a branch of any size can host, and you will have the premier heralds of An Tir - nay, the very Known World - coming to your front door to teach!

Event requirements include:

Saturday: 4 classrooms and one multipurpose/gathering room; Some kind of evening feast, potluck or revel

Sunday: One fairly large meeting space

An event bid should include:

More information on how Symposium works can be found at:

I especially encourage branches in areas of the Kingdom that have not seen Symposium for a while to submit bids. This year it is held near Seattle, Washington; 2005 saw Symposiums in the Summits and Victoria, B.C.; and 2004's Symposium was in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Send event bids to me at and copy Black Lion at You are welcome to send me any questions you have while preparing your bid. Bids are due June 15.

In Service,
Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald

Letter 6 (April 2006)

Greetings An Tir!

This month I would like to explain why the submission process takes so long.

First, however, I would like to reiterate the good news: as I mentioned last month we are no longer requiring the 'mini emblazon' on any submissions forms. The new forms aren't ready for publication yet so for now please just ignore the mini (you can even put a nice big black X through it, if you are so inclined).

Once you have your forms ready for submission please show them to your local herald, or any other consulting herald, so they can look over the forms and make sure everything is there. Some of the major reasons forms are returned are:

Keep in mind that name and device are two submissions, even if they go in together. A badge would be a third submission.

When you make up the forms please be sure you make one for yourself and one for your local branch herald as well as the number required for the submission. Directions for filling out the forms - including how many copies Lions Blood needs - are printed on the back of the forms.

You need to be sure to include 3 copies of ALL documentation not listed in the Administrative Handbook, Appendix H: Name Books that Do Not Need Photocopies. Please do NOT send photocopies of things that are on the Appendix H list. We deal with a LOT of paperwork and any that we can save is greatly appreciated.

For web pages, please print the actual web page (not a summary) and include the URL and date it was printed in the header or footer. If the web page is long, please print the first page and any pages that contain the information relevant to your submission. For books (and other printed sources), please include the front and back of the title page and any pages that contain information relevant to your submission.

After you have had your packet checked please mail it directly to Lions Blood Herald. The address is published in the Crier and is posted on the web site. Please do not give the forms to anyone else to submit them! Only Lions Blood is authorized to accept submissions and money. Not even your local branch herald should be involved in this process aside from receiving a copy for the files (but no money).

Your cashed check is proof that Lions Blood has received your submission and acts as your receipt. While the US and Canadian postal services are reputable organizations with many trustworthy employees, please do not mail cash.

Giving your forms to anyone other than Lions Blood will at the least delay them by a month or more and at the worst cause them to never be received - both things have happened in the past few years. Please do not send your forms to Black Lion - I just have to turn around and forward them to Lions Blood and that usually adds a month to the already-long submission process.

Once Lions Blood receives the forms and verifies that everything is there we publish your submission(s) on the next monthly Internal Letter. This letter goes to commenting heralds throughout An Tir (and several volunteers from other Kingdoms). They have roughly 6 weeks to look at the submissions and check them for style and conflict as well as making sure they fall within the requirements established by the Rules for Submissions (RfS).

After the comment period closes Lions Blood uses the commentary she received and decides which submissions to send on to Laurel on a Letter of Intent (LoI) and which to send back to the submitters for further work. Submitters are notified of any returned submissions as soon as possible after the decision is made. An Tir can be very proud of the commenters and Lions Blood; we have an amazing acceptance rate once submissions go on to Laurel.

Once we publish our LoI, commenters throughout the Known World are asked to look at and comment on the submissions. They again check for conflict, rules, and style. The more people who look at these things the more likely we are to get it right.

Roughly four (at most, five) months are allowed for commentary and rebuttal. After that Pelican Sovereign of Arms uses the collected commentary to decide on names submissions and Wreath Sovereign of Arms does the same for armory. They meet with their staffs once a month to go through the roughly 150 to 200 submissions (each) from all the Kingdoms. Every month, Wreath Sovereign alone processes more submissions than the Lord Lyon King of Arms of Scotland, the Scottish heraldic establishment, handles in a year.

Draft letters of the results of these decisions are then circulated between Laurel, Pelican, Wreath and several editors. This process is critical as once a Letter of Acceptance and Return (LoAR) is published it is difficult to make changes. They need to make sure what is published is correct. This process usually takes two to three months. Presently, Laurel is doing her darnedest to make this strictly a 2 month process.

Once the LoAR is published copies are sent to Lions Blood who notes the results and notifies the submitters of the Sovereign of Arms' decisions. In all the process can take a year to fourteen months depending on how the deadlines fall.

Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol, Laurel Queen of Arms, has streamlining this process as one of her main goals. She has staff working on computerizing much of the process. The irony of the SCA College of Arms relying so heavily on computers has not escaped us. There is a lot of work to be done while the College continues to process the submissions it currently has. Progress is being made but it is of necessity slow work.

If you have any questions about the submission process or the status of your specific submission please do not hesitate to contact Lions Blood Herald. Her contact information is published monthly in the Crier and is posted in the staff list on

In Service,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir

Letter 7 (April 2006)

Greetings An Tir,

This month I bring you a call for bids on next year's An Tir Heraldic Symposium from Esclarmonde Argent Scroll.

Unto the Populace of An Tir from Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald, Kingdom Heraldic Education Deputy, Comes Greetings:

I invite all branches of the kingdom to submit bids for the 2007 Kingdom Heraldic Symposium. This is a small event that a branch of any size can host, and you will have the premier heralds of An Tir and the Known World coming to your front door to teach and to consult with your populace! Classes and consult table will be arranged by Kingdom College of Heralds staff –all the hosting branch needs to do is provide the space, manage gate, and handle evening activities.

Event requirements are as follows. On Saturday, we need four classrooms and one multipurpose/gathering room, and some kind of evening feast, potluck or revel. On Sunday, we need only one meeting space that can hold 15-20 people.

An event bid should include the following: proposed date (event is usually held late March/ early April, but NOT on Easter weekend); information about the proposed site, including modern location, if it has the number of rooms needed for both event days, and travel issues (requires a ferry ride, far from major highway, etc); type of evening activity planned; fees per person for site and feast (if applicable); proximity to day food and lodging; and other special circumstances or activities planned.

More information on how Symposium works can be found at

I especially encourage branches in areas of the Kingdom that have not seen Symposium for a while to submit bids. This year it is held near Seattle, Washington; 2005 saw Symposiums in the Summits and Victoria, B.C.; and 2004's Symposium was in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Send event bids to me at and copy Black Lion at You are welcome to send me any questions you have while preparing your bid. Bids are due June 15.

In Service,
Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald

Letter 8 (September 2006)

Greetings An Tir. I have asked my deputies to write articles about their specific areas of expertise. I hope to present these over the next year. We start with the words of Richenda du Jardin, Lions Blood Herald. Her job is to process name and device submissions for An Tir.

Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir

Tips for a Smooth Submissions Process

Every year about this time, it seems like everyone in An Tir wants to get their names and devices registered for tourney season. Unfortunately, too many of them are returned either by Lions Blood or the Laurel Queen of Arms (Society Head Herald).

Let me begin by giving a brief overview of the submissions process. An accepted submission takes approximately nine months from start to finish (three months in the kingdom and six at Laurel). If a submission is returned, it must start all over from the beginning. So a submission that is returned by Lions Blood will take the three months of the initial submission, plus the ten months to get the resubmission through, for a total of 13 months. And that is only if the submitter is able to get a new submission in the mail immediately.

So, now I'm sure you want to know what you can do to not get your submission returned, right? Heres what you can do.

Check Your Paperwork

Way too often, I have to return a submission because there is a problem with the paperwork. Usually I didn't get enough copies. I need three copies of each piece of paper you send me, except the check (though if you wanted to send three checks, I dont think anyone would complain ). If you are sending multiple items in one envelope, please include a cover letter so I know what is in the packet.

Another problem I keep running into is the forms are incorrect. There is a copy of the forms at When you print them out, make sure they look the same on paper as they did on your screen. If they dont try one of the other formats; the forms are available in .doc, .rtf, and .pdf formats. Instructions are available on the web site and on the back of the form. If you have any questions, just ask a herald.

Be Clear about What You Want

The forms give you some space to let us know what you want. Make sure you let us know where you got your information and include copies of your research (if it is on this list, you don't need to send copies). If I dont have copies of your research, I have to return it.

If you can't figure out how to tell us what you need, feel free to include it on your cover page. I do look at them and note down anything it tells me. I can't guarantee you'll get what you ask for, but I can guarantee we will do our best to get it.

Talk to a Herald

Perhaps the very best thing you can do is talk to a herald. Heralds can help you do research, make sure your submission follows the rules, and check for conflicts. We can also help you fill out your paperwork. If you dont have a local herald, or your local herald can't help you, please feel free to contact for help. Our staff heralds are happy to help you.

Contrary to popular opinion, heralds as a whole don't like returning submissions. We want you to have a period-style name and period-style arms that you are content with. So let us help you get what you want.

In Service,
Richenda du Jardin
Lions Blood Herald of An Tir

Letter 9 (October 2006)

Greetings An Tir from Christopher Black Lion.

I am including a message below from Esclarmonde Argent Scroll about education and encouragement aimed specifically at new heralds (especially those who wish to become new heralds). I strongly back this extensive new effort on her part.

I have been working on increasing the availability of heralds tasked with helping and encouraging the people who are interested in heraldry. These new heralds join Argent Scroll in creating the support structure for everyone in the college - regardless of being new or here for years and years - to grow in comfort, skills, and knowledge as heralds.

Kateline Mano d'Oro has been tasked with encouraging Court Heraldry throughout An Tir. Among her other tasks she will be the main source of information about court heraldry and will be moderating an email list dedicated to court heralds in An Tir.

I have also appointed three Heraldic Rabble Rousers (HRRs) who are assigned an area and the specific task of Getting More People Involved in heraldry. These special projects deputies report directly to me but work with the area heralds to help build and strengthen the college and area heraldry.

In short, their job is to find new heralds.

Master Finngall McKetterick, Goutte de Sang Herald is the Heraldic Rabble Rouser for the Principality of the Summits.

Lady Juliana de Luna, Jambe de Lion Herald is the Inlands Heraldic Rabble Rouser.

And Viscount Steinn Vikingsson has just been named Hastae Leonis Herald, the Heraldic Rabble Rouser for the Principality of Avacal.

All of these good Heralds can be found on the An Tir Herald's staff list at

I look forward to an even stronger and more vibrant college as the result of the work of this group.

In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.

From Esclarmonde Argent Scroll, An Tir Heraldic Education Deputy, Unto the Populace of An Tir Comes Greetings,

Are you new to the wonderful world of heraldry, or thinking about becoming a herald? There is so much to learn about in the world of heraldry, from historical practice to SCA rules and customs, that it can be overwhelming for the beginner. To help you along, I have created a short document that gives you the central things you need to know about being a herald in An Tir and highlights some people and websites that can help you. In other words, this packet is to be a starting point for new heralds so you don't feel quite so lost in the ocean of information available on the Internet.

If you are interested in receiving this packet, please send an e-mail with your request to Unless you request otherwise, the document will be sent to you as a Word attachment. If you do not have e-mail access, I can be reached by phone at 425-687-3191 (no calls after 8 PM), and we can work out how to get the information to you.

The An Tir College of Heralds also has a few gracious people willing to serve as mentors to new heralds. Please contact me if you would like a mentor.

Also know that the An Tir Heralds e-mail is open to everyone at any experience level. Any question that is related to SCA and period heraldic practices is welcome on the list. Information on how to get on the list is at

In Service,
Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald

Letter 10 (June 2007)

Greetings An Tir from Christopher Black Lion.

We are seeking two new Heralds and a Pursuivant. Lions Blood, the submissions herald has stepped down at May Crown. Argent Scroll, the education deputy, is stepping down in October. Town Crier Pursuivant, a deputy to Löwenmähne, also stepped down at May Crown. Articles from Lions Blood and Argent Scroll, including calls for successors follow this article.

There has been a critical forms change in the college. If you are still using forms from before January 2007 please discard them at once. Laurel is returning all submissions on old forms so it is critical that only new forms be used. Please see Lions Blood's article for further information about changes in her office.

With the retirement of Richenda Lions Blood I am naming an acting Lions Blood to enable a proper search for her successor.

Lions Blood Clerk, Gwenlian Catharne, will be taking on the full responsibilities of the office. She can be found on the roster under Queue Forcheé Herald. She will be continuing as Queue Forcheé while acting as Lions Blood. Li Ban Boar, the internal letter and notification deputy, will continue with all of her present duties and any new ones she and Gwenlian may agree on.

We will be announcing a new post-office based forward-able address for all Lions Blood correspondence (including submissions) soon. This address will hopefully not change as new Lions Bloods are named in the future.

I hope to name a new Lions Blood by September Crown and have the transition from Gwenlian completed by Twelfth Night (if not considerably sooner).

I would like to thank Richenda for all her hard work and dedication as Lions Blood these past two years. I would also like to thank Li Ban and Gwenlian for stepping in when the need arose.

In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.

Greetings from Lions Blood Herald,

Laurel has recently changed the forms that we are to use for submissions. I am still receiving old forms that were declared unacceptable as of February 2007. I reiterate that no old forms will be accepted from this point onward.

This month will debut a new feature of the Lions Blood decision letter: Administrative Returns. The Administrative Returns section will return any submissions received for the internal letter that have administrative issues: lack of payment, insufficient copies, incorrect forms, etc. During my tenure, I have tried to contact submitters directly and give them a chance to correct their submissions. Unfortunately, this has too often lead to misunderstandings and too few corrected submissions.

Several changes are coming to the Lions Blood office over the next couple of months. As was announced at the An Tir Heraldic Symposium, I am stepping down as Lions Blood Herald at May Crown. The past two years have been fun, stressful, and an overall good experience. I want to thank everyone who commented and consulted during my tenure.

Several new deputies are being created as well. Most importantly is the Lions Blood clerk. This position is similar to the Laurel clerk. The Lions Blood clerk will receive submissions, log submissions and payments, scan the submissions, forward checks to Pursestrings, forward scanned files to Boar for the internal letter, review Lions Blood decisions and forward paper and electronic copies of each submission to the Laurel clerk. In addition, the Lions Blood clerk will maintain the submission files for Lions Blood and the heraldic files for Black Lion. As part of the Lions Blood clerk office, a forwarding post office box is planned. Other deputy positions will be created as necessary by the successful candidate.

Applicants for the position of Lions Blood Herald should send a brief modern and SCA resume along with a brief note about how you would be a good Lions Blood to the acting Lions Blood at as well to Black Lion Principal Herald at Applications are due August 15th. If you are interested in the position but have questions, please contact the acting Lions Blood at

In Service,
Richenda du Jardin
Lions Blood Herald of An Tir

Unto the Populace of An Tir Comes Greetings,

Myth: You need to know something about heraldry in order to have an office in the Kingdom College of Heralds. Fact: Some positions in the Kingdom College of Heralds require little to no knowledge of heraldry, but instead need people with skills sets that can be found throughout our good kingdom.

I come to you seeking a new person to step into one of those positions that require little heraldic knowledge or experience. I am the current Argent Scroll herald; my job is to facilitate heraldic education by organizing classes at Kingdom Heraldic Symposium each spring. The primary skills required by the position are organization and the ability to follow through with tasks in a timely manner. Any person who has successfully autocratted an event, organized classes at an event, or even organized a traditional wedding, has the ability to carry out this position.

Tasks that this position requires include the following: call for bids for Symposium via Crier and e-mail lists; contact instructors (I will provide a list to my successor!); create a schedule based on what classes instructors offer and get it posted online (help can be gotten from the hosting branch or An Tir Heralds webmaster); take registrations; communicate with autocrat of event; show up the day of the event, which is usually late March/early April; help people who contact you for heraldic education needs which often can just be forwarded to the An Tir Heralds list or the staff member who is knowledgeable in the area of the question.

Any of these areas can be covered by a reliable deputy if the new Argent Scroll desires. Also, I will be more than happy to advise the new Argent Scroll on the process of putting together Symposium and help them find their way around the College of Heralds staff list until they become familiar with it.

Applicants should send a brief modern and SCA resume along with a brief note about how you would be a good Argent Scroll to me as well to Black Lion Principal Herald at Applications are due July 15th. If you are interested in the position but have questions, please contact me at

In Service,
Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald

Letter 11 (November 2007)

Greetings An Tir,

I would like to remind everyone that submissions are now $12 regardless of US or Canadian currency. All submissions should be sent to the College's postal service address:

An Tir College of Heralds
1001 Cooper Pt Rd SW #140, PMB-164
Olympia, WA 98502

A while ago Lions Blood and I implemented a change to the structure and method of submissions processing in the Kingdom. A major part of that change was the creation of Lions Blood Clerk as a distinct heraldic officer. The office was temporarily given to Gwenlian Catharne, my contingency deputy, to establish. She has done an excellent job of getting things started and we are ready to seek applicants for the position now.

Lions Blood Clerk's task is to assist both Lions Blood and Black Lion Heralds with files maintenance and the orderly flow of both submissions and the funds that come with them. Basically, Lions Blood Clerk maintains and houses the files, receives submissions material, scans it in (using a scanner that comes with the office), sends scans to Boar and Lions Blood, and sends the Laurel packet of info to Lions Blood.

Lions Blood Clerk keeps Boar, Lions Blood, and Notifications informed of any Administrative Returns for the month. Lions Blood Clerk is also responsible for forwarding funds and a detailed roster of submissions to Pursestrings Pursuivant no less than once a month.

Note that no where in this job description does it say that Lions Blood Clerk must be an experienced herald. This is an admistrative position. It requires the ability to meet deadlines every month and to understand administrative procedure in handling forms and money. It is an excellent position for someone who is considering applying for Lions Blood someday but it is also an excellent position for someone who wants to help but lacks heraldic experience.

There is no requirement for Lions Blood Clerk to live near Lions Blood. Submissions will be sent to a postal service in Olympia and forwarded to wherever Lions Blood Clerk lives.

Applications for the office are only being accepted via email since so much of Lions Blood Clerk's job is online. If you are interested in applying for the position please send your SCA and modern resume in text or PDF to Lions Blood (, Lions Blood Clerk ( and Black Lion ( Explain in your message why you think you would be good for the office. If you have any questions about the position feel free to contact any of the three of us. Applications are due by December 20th so we can have the new Lions Blood Clerk in office by Twelfth Night. I expect there to be a multiple-month training period to bring Lions Blood Clerk fully up to speed.

In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.

Letter 12 (February 2008)

Greetings An Tir!

Late last year I announced we were working on dropping the submissions rates and temporarily reduced the cost for submissions in Canadian currency to $12 to match US submissions.

I am pleased to say the changes we implemented have worked and thanks to the resulting considerable reduction in copy and postage costs the charge for submissions is being reduced.

Effective the First of March, 2008 all heraldic submissions in An Tir will cost $10 (US or Canadian) per item. If you submit a name and a device you only have to send us $20 not $24.

Please remember to send all submissions to the Lions Blood Clerk for processing:

Lions Blood Clerk
An Tir College of Heralds
1001 Cooper Pt Rd SW #140, PMB-164
Olympia, WA 98502

In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and College,
Lord Christopher Thomas
Black Lion Principal Herald, An Tir
Argent, a flat cap purpure plumed and on a chief azure three commedia del'Arte masks argent.