Creation of a Pelican (Surprise)
Ceremonial of the Kingdom of An Tir
Version: 12th Night, XXXVII (2003)

At the Crown's command the herald will call forward the SECRETARY for the Order:

HERALD: _______________, Master of the Pelican, has a petition for Their Majesties. Let him come before the Thrones.

CROWN: What is your petition?

SECRETARY: The Order of the Pelican petitions Your Majesties to admit another into the Order of the Pelican and the Peerage of An Tir.

And the CROWN will order the HERALD to summon the members of the Order.

HERALD: All members of the Order of the Pelican here come now before the Thrones of An Tir.

And the members of the Order may process in a formal procession, or they may gather more informally before the Thrones, leaving an aisle approaching the Thrones, and kneeling there.

CROWN: Greetings to you, Companions of the Order of the Pelican. Each of you is a Peer of this Our Realm by virtue of your service and the sharing of your talents with the people of the Kingdom. Today you bring before Us another for consideration. Tell us of the qualities of this candidate.

And the sponsor(s) will enumerate the qualities which qualify the candidate for the Order, without naming him. When they have finished, the King will query the secretary.

CROWN: Who is this candidate?

And the secretary will name the candidate. And the CROWN will command the HERALD to summon the candidate.

HERALD: Let _______________ approach the Throne.

CROWN: Is it your desire that _______________ be admitted to this Order?

And the members of the Order will reply in the affirmative.

HERALD: Are you sworn in fealty to another?

If so, call the other person forward and have them release the candidate.

CROWN: _______________, well pleased with your skill, and your continued service to this Our Kingdom, and right mindful of the desires of your peers, We are minded to create you a Companion of the Order of the Pelican.

Will you accept from Us this honor, and swear to uphold the rights and responsibilities of the Order?


HERALD: Then will you, _______________, give your word to continue to fulfill the requirements set for the governance of this order as you most surely have until now, to increase your labors nobly, to nourish your talents as befits a noble, and to seek to disseminate your talents and abilities throughout the Kingdoms of the Knowne World, as far as is within your powers?


KING: Bring forth the medallion.

When the medallion arrives, if there is history it may be shared at this time. Then the KING will give the medallion to the candidate.

KING: Then take from Our hands this token of your accomplishment and Our esteem.

QUEEN: Bring forth the circlet.

When the circlet arrives, if there is history it may be shared at this time. Then the QUEEN will place the circlet on the candidate head.

QUEEN: Wear this circlet as symbol of that nobility to which your own labors as much as Our recognition have raised you.

HERALD: Let it be known that on this day _______________ has been admitted to the Right Noble Order of the Pelican and will be known as a Peer of the Kingdom of An Tir.

The new peer shall here be asked if he is willing to swear fealty.

HERALD: Would you now swear fealty to the Crown?

If the new peer does wish to swear fealty, the herald shall ask:

HERALD: Upon which Symbol of State would you swear fealty?

[The symbols of state include: the Sword of State, either or both Royal Crowns, the Orb, the Rod, the Scepter, the Great Seal of State and their Majesties’ person. The new peer shall state his choice, and the Crown shall take up the Symbol:]

HERALD: I _______________, a Companion of the Order of the Pelican, and a peer of the Kingdom of An Tir, do become your liegeman of life, limb and of earthly worship. Faith and truth will I bear unto You, to live and die, against all manner of folks.

KING: And We for our part do swear to protect and defend you and your household with all Our power, so long as We remain Sovereigns of An Tir. So say We, _______________ King of An Tir.

QUEEN: And so say We, _______________, Queen of An Tir.

But if the new peer does not to swear at this time, the ceremony will continue as follows:

KING: Arise, Master _______________, and go to your peers.

And the HERALD will exhort the cheers of the populace.

SCA Herald's office badge: Vert, two crossed trumpets Or. Back to the An Tir College of Heralds

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HTML by Yosef von Ruhne.
Updated: September 26, 2003