Her Majesty's may wish to invite the member of the Order of the Carp to come forward. If so, the herald shall call forth the members. And when they have assembled the herald shall read:
HERALD: During the reign of King Dak, Her Majesty Nu Huang Lao resolved to honor those who had striven for excellence in persona development, persevering in their task. In China the CARP is symbolic of perseverance. Thus, Queen Lao chose the carp to mark those whose accomplishments in this endeavor were worthy of notice and praise. She decreed that, in the manner of her homeland, members of the Order may wear an embroidered patch as token of Her esteem; and the emblem is: Gules a carp haurient embowed Or.
Her Majesty is minded to admit a new member to the Order of the Carp this day. _______________, Her Majesty invites your presence.
When the candidate kneels, the Queen shall say:
QUEEN: We are minded to admit you to the Order of the Carp. Will you accept membership in the Order and with it the responsibility of continuing the development of your own persona, and offering assistance to those who would do the same?
Giving the token of the Order, the Queen says:
QUEEN: Then please accept from Our hands this token of the Order.
HERALD: Let the word go forth, from this moment _______________ is a member of the Order of the Carp of the Kingdom of An Tir.
And the herald will exhort the cheers of the people.
This award involves membership in an Order, and so should not be
given in the absence of the inductee.
Be sure that there is a token available. Duchess Lao has agreed to provide these, so obtain them from her.
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Anachronism, Inc.
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Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policies.