At Their Majesties' command, the herald will call forth the recipient:
HERALD: Their Majesties ask _______________ to come into Their court.
When the child has come before Them, Their Majesties may speak of the cause for the award.HERALD: Let the people of An Tir know that _______________ has displayed the ideals of courtesy in service to the Realm of An Tir, in acknowledgement of which Their Majesties grant unto him/her the Award of the Lion's Cub, with the wish that s/he continue to bring honor and joy to the Kingdom of An Tir.
And after Their Majesties congratulate the recipient, s/he shall return to his/her place as the herald exhorts the cheers of the people.
Find out if there is a token to be bestowed.
This is the web site of the An Tir College of Heralds of the Society of Creative
Anachronism, Inc.
It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative
Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policies.