Order of the Goutte de Sang
Ceremonial of the Kingdom of An Tir
Version: 12th Night, XXXVII (2003)

At the Crown's command the herald will call forward the candidate(s):

HERALD: ____________________, come before Their Majesties.

The candidate(s) kneeling, Their Majesties may wish to inform the court of the accomplishments which have occasioned the award. The herald shall read the scroll text, and then ask the following:

HERALD: Let it be proclaimed to all the Knowne World, that We, _______________, King by right of arms, and _______________, by inspiration and grace Queen, well-pleased with the efforts and service of Our subject _______________, do here admit him/her into the Right Honorable Order of the Goutte de Sang, and also give unto him/her the right to wear upon his/her person the Symbol of the Order. Further We do Grant unto him/her the right to display arms and a crest, and also to show a ribbon and pendant therefrom the badge of this Order.

HERALD: Are you willing to accept membership in this Order?


HERALD: Henceforth let _______________ be known as a member of the Right Noble Order of the Goutte de Sang, with all the rights and responsibilities granted by the King and Queen of An Tir.

While Their Majesties congratulate the recipient the herald shall exhort the cheers of the people.

This award involves membership in the Order, and isn't usually given in the absence of the recipient, but the Crown may want to delegate some Noble to award the honor.

Make sure that there is a medallion of the Order on hand.

Be sure you can read the scroll. If you can't, get the text written out for you.

SCA Herald's office badge: Vert, two crossed trumpets Or. Back to the An Tir College of Heralds

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It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policies.

HTML by Yosef von Ruhne.
Updated: September 26, 2003