Creation of a Shire
Ceremonial of the Kingdom of An Tir
Version: 12th Night, XXXVII (2003)

At the King's command the herald will call forward the representatives of the incipient shire:

HERALD: The incipient Shire of _______________ has a boon to ask of Their Majesties. People of _______________, come now before the Thrones of An Tir.

The shire shall draw nigh, with the officers at the fore, and they shall bring a banner (furled), if one has been prepared.

SHIRE HERALD: Your Majesties, we the people of the Incipient Shire of _______________ would inform you of our beginnings.

Here the group herald shall tell the court of the history of the shire, including their accomplishments as a group.

SHIRE HERALD: We now ask: Do Your Majesties, or Your Officers, have further requirements of us before we ask of You full status as a Shire of Your Realm?

KING: [name] _______________, Kingdom Seneschal, Attend Us, for We would have your advice.

And after consulting with the Seneschal:

KING: Well, _______________, what say you?

KINGDOM SENESCHAL: Your officers have nothing further, Your Majesties.

And here shall the Kingdom Seneschal retire to his place in the court.

KING: And We also have no further requirements of you.

HERALD: What would you ask of Their Majesties?

SHIRE SENESCHAL: Your Majesties, we the people of _______________, having satisfied the guidelines set forth in Kingdom law, now petition You, our Sovereigns, to be recognized as a Shire of the Kingdom of An Tir.

KING: We hear your request. Tell us the names of those you have chosen to lead you.

And the shire seneschal shall enumerate the officers, pointing them out, if they are present. Then the King shall command the herald to read the proclamation:

HERALD: We, _______________ and _______________, well-pleased with the growth and attainments of Our subjects in the Incipient Shire of _______________, do, by these presents, create them a full and self-standing branch, and do style them Shire of _______________, with all the rights and privileges thereof, including the display of the arms:[blazon] in this Our Realm. We do also recognize your officers as Our representatives in Our Realm, and charge you to redouble your efforts in all pursuits, martial and pacific. In witness whereof we do set Our hand and seal this __________ day of __________, Anno Societatis __________, being __________ Gregorian.
_______________, King _______________, Queen.

The Shire will now Kneel to pay homage, the court herald leading them, phrase by phrase:

SHIRE: I do affirm that ____________ and _________________ are the true and Sovereign Lord and Lady of this Realm, and pledge my support of Them, Their Crown, and Their Kingdom.

KING: We accept your homage, and do swear to show you honor, chivalry, and courtesy, to foster the arts and sciences, and support your efforts on behalf of Us and Our Kingdom. So say We, _______________, King of An Tir.

QUEEN: And so say We, _______________, Queen of An Tir.
Then the herald shall exhort the cheers of the populace as the Crown congratulates the seneschal of the new Shire, and the shire members depart.

Check to be sure the Shire has a petition and history to read.
Be sure that the scroll (proclamation) is ready, and that you can read the calligraphy.

SCA Herald's office badge: Vert, two crossed trumpets Or. Back to the An Tir College of Heralds

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It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policies.

HTML by Yosef von Ruhne.
Updated: September 26, 2003