At the Crown's command, the herald shall call forth the shire asking for a patron:
HERALD: The Shire of _______________ has a boon to ask of the Crown. People of _______________, come and kneel before the Thrones.
And when they have assembled (officers in the fore):
HERALD: What would you ask of the Crown?
SHIRE HERALD: Your Majesties, the folk of the Shire of _____________ wish to ask of You a Royal Patron to represent us in Your Court, and to guide us according to Your wishes.
KING: Are there any among the Great Lords and Ladies of Our Realm that you would request to stand for you?
SHIRE SENESCHAL: Yes, Your Majesties. _______________ has traveled many times to our lands, and given of his/her talents and knowledge to aid in our growth and accomplishments. We would be pleased if Your Majesties would consider appointing ______________ as Your representative in our homeland, and our voice in Your court.
The King shall call the patron forward.
KING: We are considering the request of Our Shire of for the appointment of a Royal Patron. Your name has been advanced for consideration as patron. Do you understand the obligations, duties, and privileges attendant upon such appointment?
PATRON: Yes, Your Majesty.
KING: Are you willing to serve Us in this manner?
PATRON: Yes, Your Majesty.
KING: Then it shall be so. We name _______________ Royal Patron for the Shire of _______________ .
PATRON: Your Majesties, I would now swear fealty as Your representative in the Shire of _______________.
The herald may lead, phrase by phrase.
PATRON: I do now swear fealty unto _______________ and _______________, my Liege Lord and Lady, to serve as Royal Patron for the Shire of _______________, to obey Their lawful commands in all matters concerning this Realm, to promote the Arts and Sciences, to muster the forces of the Shire as Your Majesties have need, and to present the concerns of the Shire to Your Majesties to the best of my abilities. So say I, _______________.
KING: And We, for Our part, do swear fealty unto this Royal Patron of An Tir, that We will protect and defend him and his household with all Our power, so long as We remain Sovereigns of An Tir. We also Grant unto him all rights, honors, and privileges due him as Royal Patron of the Shire of _______________. So say We, _______________, King of An Tir.
QUEEN: And so say We, _______________, Queen of An Tir.
And after thanking Their Majesties, the shire will depart, and the herald will exhort the cheers of the people for the shire and the patron.
Be sure the shire has a herald to read the petition.
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