An Tir Internal Letter for July, AS XXXX / 2005 CE

Lady Richenda du Jardin, Lions Blood Herald
524 W. 7th Avenue, #510 Spokane, WA 99204
509-455-5137 or

3 June 2005

Unto Christopher Black Lion and the esteemed members of the An Tir College of Heralds to whom this missive comes, Richenda du Jardin, Lions Blood Herald, sends greetings and felicitations.


The July Lions Blood meeting will be held in my home on July 24, 2005.

From the West: Take your best route to I-90. Get off on exit 280 (Lincoln Ave/Maple Ave.). Go through two lights and turn right at the next intersection (Jefferson). Go one block and turn left (Fifth). Turn right at the fourth stop sign (Howard). Follow Howard for two blocks — find whatever parking you can in the second block as parking is rather tight. Walk up to 7th and I am in the brick building on the left (524 W 7th.). Buzz apartment #510 and someone will be down to get you.

From the East: Take your best route to I-90. Get off on exit 280 (Lincoln Ave/Maple Ave.). Turn left at the second light (Second). Turn left at the second light (Fourth). Turn right at the next intersection (Jefferson). Go one block and turn left (Fifth). Turn right at the fourth stop sign (Howard). Follow Howard for two blocks — find whatever parking you can in the second block as parking is rather tight. Walk up to 7th and I am in the brick building on the left (524 W 7th.). Buzz apartment #510 and someone will be down to get you.

Limited crash space will be available.

From Black Lion

An Tir, Christopher Black Lion sends you Greetings!

I am going to reserve my words for next month. Instead I bring you an important announcement from Argent Scroll Herald who is in charge of Heraldic Symposium. This year's symposium was very successful, I would like to see next year's be even more so!

In Service to Kingdom and College,
Christopher Black Lion

From Lions Blood

Greetings unto the College of Heralds of An Tir. It is my honor to be allowed to serve as the new Lions Blood Herald. I want to extend my thanks to Baron David for the wonderful job he did as Lions Blood. I hope I do half as well.

I hope that everyone who has been commenting will continue doing so. Commentary is essential if we are to continue providing high quality submissions to the Laurel Queen of Arms. I wish to encourage anyone with interest to comment. Commenting is an excellent way to learn about heraldry and period heraldic and onomastic practices. I am looking for contact info for the following heralds:

I am still looking for letters of intent for Boar Pursuivant. Boar is responsible for summarizing the information provided by submitters for the internal letter. Baron David has agreed to fill that role in the short term, but I do not want to abuse his generosity.

Finally, I am setting a non-moving deadline for commentary. This will allow me more time to review commentary prior to meetings, hopefully providing for short, sweet meetings while still giving each submission the attention it needs.

Richenda Lions Blood

From Argent Scroll

Greetings from Morel Argent Scroll Herald

It is the time of year to begin planning for An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium 2006. To this end, we are now taking bids from branches interested in hosting the spring session of Symposium.

Hosting an Heraldic Symposium is similar to hosting an Ithra weekend in respect to space and billeting needs. But the hosting branch doesn't have to worry about teachers, class schedules and student registrations - Argent Scroll Herald will take care of that.

The hosting branch will provide the autocrat, the venue, and take care of the Crier event submissions and other "advertising." Basically - the site and evening plans are the hosts responsibilities, while the classes and students are Argent Scroll's responsibilities.

Heraldic Symposium is held in the spring, usually March or April, but never on Easter weekend. If you are interesting in putting in a bid to host ATKHS 2006, please consider the following needs:

Symposium can be held in a school/university, a large church with`classrooms, and has even been held in a recreation center.

The Saturday evening feast is usually an event in itself though sometimes it is a quieter affair with students, teachers, and organizers. Heraldic themed activities are usually incorporated (we can give you ideas!).

Bids should be submitted to Argent Scroll and Black Lion. They can be submitted electronically (in text, postscript, or PDF only, no proprietary formats please) to and or by mailing them to both people (addresses are in the Regnum). They are due August 30, 2005 with the decision to be made and announced shortly thereafter so calendar reservations can be made.

If you have any questions, I check my email daily at and will be happy to answer. I'm not on the Steps so please write me privately.

Yours in Service
Morel Argent Scroll

Laurel Actions

The Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns for April 2005 has been published. An Tir had no material on that letter, so no information is included here.

Lions Blood Actions

The following actions were taken by Lions Blood Herald at the June 2005 Lions Blood Meeting. He thanks the following people for offering commentary on the submissions considered at that meeting: Francesca Testarosa dei Martini, Zenobia Black Stag, Sandor Dosa, Ursula Georges, Gunnvor silfraharr, Cnute, Gwenlian Sinister Gauntlet, Esclarmonde Wyewood.

Forwarded to Laurel Sovereign of Arms on the June 2005 LoI:

  1. Adam Fairamay — Name
  2. Alexsander von Mausheim — Name and Device
    Or, in pale a raven maintaining a reed pen perched atop an anvil sable.
  3. Ali^me Melek al-Aydiniyya — Name and Device
    Per pale azure and argent, in fess a moon in her plenitude and a flame and in chief an arrow fesswise all within a bordure charged with three gouttes counterchanged.
  4. Anne Johnston — Name and Device
    Or, three chevronels and on a chief sable an increscent and a descrescent conjoined Or
  5. Ayleth Fairamay — Name
  6. Bethel Allen — Device
    Per pale azure ermined Or and Or ermined azure.
  7. Brocgar Smylie — Name and Device
    Per fess Or and azure, a badger statant sable and a buckle Or,
  8. Cerdic Wlfraven — Device
    Vert, a wolf statant to sinister argent and in chief a sun Or within an orle argent.
  9. Colin Richards — Name
  10. Dafydd Caerfyrddin — Name and Device
    Per pale azure and sable, a wolf statant and on a chief argent three Celtic crosses sable.
  11. Elisabeth Catesby — Badge
    (Fieldless) a mortar and pestle vert.
  12. Elisabeth Trost — Name
  13. Eliza Clayton — Name and Device
    Or semy of frogs vert, a wagon wheel fracted in dexter chief proper and a bordure azure.
  14. Gemma Meen — Device
    Purpure, on a tower argent a dog rampant purpure and in chief a coronet Or.
  15. Guillaume de Garrigues — Name and Device
    Argent, an oak tree proper and on a chief gules three crosses of Toulouse Or.
  16. Isibel Sviðandi — Name and Device
    Per fess rayonny azure and gules, in chief a bear passant argent.
  17. Margret Elwald — Name
  18. Martin of Tyre — Name
  19. Owain Mawr — Name
  20. Renart the Fox of Berwick — Name and Device
    Per bend sable and argent, two foxes heads erased argent and another sable.
  21. Rychard Rowntree — Name
  22. Seagirt, Barony of — Badge
    Azure, two pallets argent.
  23. Uilliam mac Ailéne mhic Seamuis — Household name and Badge for Insula Magna***
    Argent, in pale a mullet of eight points voided and a ship within a bordure wavy azure.
  24. Vivien of Shaftesbury — Name and Device
    Gules, a wheat stalk Or and in chief three escallops argent.
  25. Ysoria de Brai — Badge
    (Fieldless) a millrind gules.

The following items were returned by Lions Blood for further work:


To be ruled on at the August 2005 Lions Blood Meeting.

1. Alienor Sanz-Argent Lions Gate Name & Device — New

Sable a cross Toulousse Or voided gules, a bordoure gyranny Or and gules

The submitter will not accept major changes to her name. If changes are required, she is more interested in language/culture (Norman). She wants a female name, and is interested in a name authentic for the time period 12th to 14th century and Norman 1250-1325 (both references are included on form). She will permit a holding name.

Alienor is found in Academy of St. Gabriel Report 2857,, and in Report 2697, The first report suggests this spelling is found in 1281. The second report indicates that this spelling can be dated to 1202 and 1211 (and that Alianor is dated to 1281-another name in the same sentence in the first report). Both of these reports rely on Talan Gwynek, “Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames”, (copy not provided).

Sanz-Argent is found in Colm Dubh, “An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris”,, sub Letoys, where it lists “Letoys, fille Aaliz Sanz-Argent.”

2. An Tir, Kingdom of — Electrum Herald   Transfer of Title - New

The title was registered in May 1986. It is being transferred to David of Moffat. The letter of transfer was signed by TRM Skeggi and Taisiia, King and Queen of An Tir, and Christopher, Black Lion Principal Herald

3. An Tir, Kingdom of — Voice of the Lion Herald   Release of Title — New

This title was registered ***. TRM Skeggi and Taisiia, and Christopher Black Lion signed the letter releasing the “Voice of the Lion Herald” title, while retaining Vox Leonis Herald.

4. Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd Aquaterra Change of Name & Device— New
from Angharad Drakenhefd o Fynydd Blaena

Argent, a horse courant sable between two bars purpure between three roses sable

The submitter will accept no changes to her name. She does not care about the gender of her name, and wants a name authentic for “5th Century Post Roman British/Sarmatian”

Angharad and Drakenhefd are already registered to the submitter. Drakenhefd was registered as a Middle English version of Pendragon/Dragon head.

Banadaspus is the name of the second king of the Marcomani. The source for this name is Dio's Roman History, with an English Translation by Earnest Cary, p. 35, where the editor dates this to AD 175. The history indicates that as a result of the events described there, this tribe was defeated by Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who required the tribe to remove themselves from near the Danube, and some 5500 were sent as recruits to Britain.

If this change of name is registered, her prior name should be released.

If this change of device is registered, her prior device, argent, a natural panther passant sable between two bars purpure between three roses sable, should be made a badge

5. Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd Aquaterra Transfer of Badge— New

Sable, a hart rampant to sinister within a bordure argent

A letter transferring the badge to Arias the Innkeeper's Daughter is enclosed.

6. Arias the Innkeeper's Daughter Madrone Device change — New

Gules, a boar rampant to sinister argent and on a chief checky sable and argent three acorns gules

The submitter's name was registered in approximately July 1980.

If this change is registered, she desires to release her prior device, Gules, a boar rampant to sinister argent and in chief two suns Or, eclipsed sable.

7. Arias the Innkeeper's Daughter Madrone Badge Release — New

Azure, a youth dancing to sinister playing a straight trumpet upraised Or, in sinister chief a sun Or eclipsed sable.

A letter from the submitter releasing this badge registered in July 1980 is enclosed.

8. Arias the Innkeeper's Daughter Madrone Badge Release — New

Purpure, on a sun eclipsed proper a straight trumpet fesswise reversed Or

A letter from the submitter releasing this badge registered in February 1981 is enclosed.

9. Arias the Innkeeper's Daughter Madrone Badge — Acceptance of Transfer — New

Sable, a hart rampant to sinister within a bordure argent

This submitter's name was registered in July 1980.

This badge is presently registered to Angharad Drakenhefd o Flynydd Blaena (whose name is undergoing a change above).

A letter accepting transfer of the badge is enclosed.

10. David of Moffat- Electrum Herald Glymm Mere Acceptance of Transfer — New

His name was registered in December 1981. He has provided a letter accepting transfer of the heraldic title Electrum Herald.

11. Elizabeth Drake Glyn Dwfn Device -Resubmission in Kingdom

Per chevron Vert and Argent in Base a Dragon Rampant Gules in Chief two mullets of 7 points Argent a bordure counterchanged.

The submitter's name was registered in the April 2003 LoAR.

This submitter's prior device, Argent, a dragon passant [contourny] vert (maintaining) a rose azure all within an orle sable, was returned in December 2002 for artistic problems. These problems have been eliminated by this redesign.

12. ffolan O Banan Aquaterra Device -Resubmission in Kingdom

Per chevron sable and vert, a tree blasted and eradicated within seven mullets of eight points in annulo argent.

The submitter's name submission is on the February 2005 An Tir Letter of Intent.

The submitter's prior submission, Vert, a tree blasted and eradicated between seven mullets of eight points in annulo argent, was returned in kingdom in February 2005 for three reasons: 1) the dark grey used to color the argent charges rendered in effectively sable charges on a vert field, 2) the mullets were sufficiently small as to render them unidentifiable in the dark color used, and 3) the design probably conflicted with the protected armory of Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer, Vert, a tree eradicated argent, with one CD for the addition of the secondary mullets, but nothing for the minor differences between a tree and a tree blasted, given the conflicting precedents on whether there is a CD between the two.

13. Hallbera sneypir Vigbjarnardottir Shittemwoode Device — resubmission

Per chevron azure and Or, two mullets of eight points Or and a bear rampant sable.

This submitter's name was registered in the January 2005 LoAR.

The prior submission of this submitter, with an identical blazon was included in the June 2004 Internal Letter. However, while her name was forwarded to Laurel in the August 2004 An Tir Letter of Intent, her device was neither forwarded, nor was a letter of return issued. Therefore, we are unable to determine if or why this submission was not forwarded to Laurel, and it is being treated as a resubmission.

14. Joia von Berengereshagen Dragon's Mist Name & Device — New

Vert, on a bend sinister argent three roses gules between two lions sejant argent

The submitter will accept any changes to her name. If changes are required, she is more interested in the sound. She wants a female name. She is interested in a name authentic for 12th century time period. Her documentation summary indicates she is aware of the mixed language issue, but “cares most about first name so is cool with the weirdness.”

Joia is found in “Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames, Part Three: The Names H-Z.” where under Joy, Joia is dated to 1195.

Berengereshagen is found in Bahlow, Dictionary of German Names (translated by Gentry), sn Beringer, where it states “also present in the pl.n. Ro: Bargeshagen: Berengereshagen, 1128.”

Precedents from the compiled names precedents indicate that a name of English and German is a weirdness but registerable.

15. Katelijne van der Ast Avacal Name and Device — New

Quarterly Gules and Sable A Tree Eradicated Ermine

The submitter will not accept any changes to her name. She makes no indication concerning desired gender of her name, she is not interested in an authentic name, but will accept a holding name.

Katelijne is documented from the online Dictionary of Art, sub Pieter Coeke van Aelst I, (a full citation for this article would be nice — got chopped in the printing), where it indicates that Katelijne was one of Pieter's daughters. Pieter is dated as born 1520 and died 1550 from the Netherlands.

Van der Ast is documented from this same source sub Baltthasar van der Ast, who is dated born 1593-4, died 1657 and described as a Dutch painter.

16. Katelijne van der Ast Avacal Badge — New

[(fieldless)] A Tree Eradicated Ermine.

The submitter's name is submitted above.

17. Lions Gate, Barony of — Order of the Keystone of Lions Gate   Order Name — New

The submitter will not accept major changes to the name. If changes are required, the submitter is more interested in the sound of the name. The submitter does not care about authenticity.

The Branch name was registered in September 1986.

Keystone is documented from the Oxford English Dictionary, sub Keystone, where the word is dated to 1637.

A letter of permission to conflict with the “Order of the Keystone” registered to the Kingdom of Aethelmearc is provided.

18. Otger die Wilde Aquaterra Name and Device - New

Per bend Or and gules, a horse rampant contourney counterchanged.

The submitter will not accept changes to his name. The desired gender of the name is male. He expresses no interest in an authentic name. But will accept a holding name.

Otger is found in “Given names in the Low Lands 1250-1300”,, which is described as “a survey of given names in Flanders, Holland, Brabant and Groningen in the High Middle Ages.” In the site, under list 3 under Od + -ger is found Otger, from Dordrecht, citing as the source for this information, Burgers, et al, eds, De oudste stadsrekeningen van Dordrecht 1283-1287, Verloren, Hilv, 1995. Two examples of this name apparently appear in that source.

The byname comes from Aryanhwy merch Catmael, “15th Century Dutch Names” (no URL provided), containing names from 1422 to 1534, amongst which is found “die Wilde” dated to 1432-1433.

19. Raven mac Uilliam mhic Fearchar Lions Gate Device — Resubmission

Per chevron sable and argent two drums and a raven close to sinister counterchanged.

The submitter's name is on the January 2005 An Tir Letter of Intent.

His prior submission, Per chevron sable and argent, two drums and a raven counterchanged, was returned in January 2005 for conflict with Marya Tatiana Zvesdina, Per chevron sable and argent, two mullets and a swan naiant counterchanged, and Damian Charles of Evotstarn, Per chevron throughout sable and argent, two pheons inverted and an owl counterchanged, with in each case, one CD allowed for the change of type of primaries, but nothing for the positions of the various charges. This redesign should clear the conflict.

20. Robin of Thornwood Madrone Device — New

Argent a robin proper between three hawthorn trees blossomed proper eradicated and a bordure vert.

The submitter's name was registered in the June 2001 LoAR.

In this device, the robin proper is black with red on the front half of the face and all the breast. The hawthorn tree proper is black trunk, green foliage and white flowers.

21. Robin of Thornwood Madrone Badge — New

Fieldless, a robin proper.

The submitter's name was registered in the June 2001 LoAR.

In this badge, the robin proper has black back, wings and back of the head, red front half of head, and upper half of the breast, and white lower half of the breast. There is no black line of demarcation between these three color changes.

22. Symmonne Deccarrete de Villette Wealdsmere Badge — New

Argent, a fleur de lis per pale sable and azure, a bordure sable.

This submitter's name was registered in January 2003, changed to primary in January 2004, and spelling correction to the primary requested in the May 2005 An Tir Letter of Intent.

23. Tessa Tazzi Aquaterra Name & Device — New

Per chevron Or and gules two cups and issuant from base a demi-sun counterchanged.

The submitter will accept minor changes to her name, and is interested in sound and language/culture is changes must be made. She nots “no ‘a’ sound on last name, Italian.” She wants a female name, expresses no concern about authenticity, but will accept a holding name.

Both elements are documented from the Herlihy, “Online Catasto of 1427”, where two persons with the family name Tazzi are found in a search, and fiven persons with the given name Tessa are found in a search.

24. Uilliam mac Ailene mhic Seaumais Seagirt Badge — New

(Fieldless) a two-headed domestic cat sejant affronty tail wrapped around the legs and heads addorsed sable, orbed and gorged of a pearled coronet Or.

The submitter's name change from William the Mariner is on the January 2005 An Tir Letter of Intent. If the name change and this are registered, he wants to associate this badge with the William the Mariner name.

25. Uilliam mac Fearchar mhic Gille Aindrias — Clan MacAndrew Lions Gate Household name - New

The submitter will not accept major changes to this name, but if changes are required he is more interested in the “language/culture” “Scottish/English”, does not care about the gender of the name, and is interested in a name authentic for the Scottish/English language or culture.

The submitter's personal name is on the January 2005 An Tir Letter of Intent, where it is submitted as a name change from the presently registered William MacAndrew of Balnagowan, registered November 1991.

For this household name, he relies on St. Gabriel report 1416, which indicates “Andrew MacGregor” would be a “fine Scots name” towards the end of the 14th century.

In addition, he relies on Krossa, “Medieval Gaelic Clan, Household and Other Group Names”,, where it indicates clan is the English/Scots word derived from the Gaelic Clann, meaning children, used in the middle ages as one of several different terms used for a ruling noble kindred, and which indicates that “the basic pattern for the names of medieval Gaelic clans is: <clan term><epomymous clan ancestor's name(in genitive case & sometimes lenited)>”. The author notes to the reader “do not try to use the above explanations to recreate anything but the Gaelic names of Gaelic clans!”

MacAndrew is the header spelling in Black, Surnames of Scotland, sn MacAndrew, where the form Thomas McAndrew vic William Guy is dated to 1618, and Makallum MacAndro in Murthlac is dated to 1550.

In service to Kingdom and College,

Arms of Richenda du Jardin

Richenda du Jardin
Lions Blood Herald

  Azure a bantam cock statant wings elevated and addorsed on a chief argent
                  an annulet sable.

Uilliam mac Aillén vhic Séamus
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