Arms of the Kingdom of An Tir

The Heralds' Page

Newsletter of the College of Heralds of An Tir
Volume 2, Number 8 ~ January 27, 2004

Long Live King Skapti!
Long Live Queen Asa !

Badge of the SCA College of Heralds

Table of Contents:

Greetings from Black Lion

Seal of Black Lion Principal Herald

Greetings from Black Lion Principal Herald, I would like to open this letter with a quick reminder of the reporting dates.

Reporting Schedule: Please include branch name, and reporting period in the title of the email. If you send a Word document, please include a RTF or TXT copy as well. I prefer and read Word documents for document files, but Queue Forchee prefers non-proprietary formats so please to send both if you are sending an attachment.

Branch Heralds Report to Black Lion or Principality - END of Month of January, April, July, October

Kingdom Staff and Principality report to Black Lion - 15th of February, May, August, November

Black Lion Reports to Laurel - February, May, August, November - End of Month.

Heraldic Job Openings: To apply send me an email with your mundane and SCA resume to and a copy to the current officeholder (email addresses available on the kingdom webpage), or send paper copy to my address from The Crier.

An announcement: Elizabeth Pomegranate has agreed to take on the duties of the Incipient Branch Assistant herald. I'm very happy to have her in this role, as she has tons of experience as both Herald, and Seneschal of the Kingdom and can help a new branch through the somewhat tricky heraldic process for a new branch.

If she calls on you for help, I would encourage you to give it high priority, since the people she is conversing with are the future of this kingdom, and it behooves us to start them out with a good impression of heralds. It saves us lots of head-aches in the long run. I've personally seen what a few bad heraldic experiences can do to a new branch, and it is not pretty or fun to deal with later.

Arms of Frederic Black Lion

Frederic Badger
Black Lion Principal Herald

Greetings unto the heralds of our great Kingdom!

Arms of Morel Black Stag

As you all know, the An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium is approaching. Each year, several wonderful folks volunteer their time and energy to come and teach a variety of subjects related to heraldry at the ATKHS. Travel and accommodations for the teachers is largely at their own expense. This year, eight teachers are traveling over 1000 miles each way to give of their time for the people in the further reaches of An Tir. Not only that, but they are doing this quite cheerfully! I can't thank them enough for the support they are showing to the friendly people of Avacal by making this lengthy trek. Thank you all!

I would also like to thank the teachers who were not able to come this year, though they dearly wanted to and gave an earnest attempt at joining us on our Symposium adventure. We will miss you this year!

Of course, we could not hold Symposium without our thirsty-for-knowledge students, who often come from afar themselves. Your support and enthusiasm do not go unnoticed and are very much appreciated. I hope we'll see a number of new and familiar faces this year.

Morel Black Stag

See below for An Tir Heraldic Symposium Event Copy.

Greetings from Dexter Gauntlet

Are you interested in helping out the OP? If so, drop me a line at We're organizing OP representatives from every branch of the Kingdom in order to create a working network of people helping to make the An Tir OP both accurate and complete. Even with the advances in the technology used, the 7 person core team, and the hours they've put in, the only real way to make the OP correct, complete, and accurate is to actually talk to people in every branch of An Tir.

I want you to be one of those people. It doesn't matter if there are already 10 people from your branch helping out - we need the help!

But what is needed from these people? The biggest single need is that I or one of my deputies will come to you with a question such as "Does John the Smith still live in your shire?" and you will go and find out the answer. Maybe you know it off the top of your head. Maybe you'll need to call your friend who knows John the Smith better than you do. But you'll find out and give the answer.

Past that, there are as many things to do with the OP as you can imagine. You can do as little or as much as you want to. But every single thing you do to help the OP will make it a better, more complete, more accurate reference for the Crown and Their Kingdom. You can personally see to it that your friend's and neighbors honors are properly recognized.

We're ready to get your help. We just need to hear from you at!

Quentin Dexter Gauntlet

Greetings from Teceangl Ounce
aka 'the editor'

Would you like to see your name and arms in print? Have you an opinion on something heraldic? Can you draw cartoons? Do you teach an heraldic subject you can write a short article about? Have you come upon a better way to do things? Want to share heraldic jokes, anecdotes, or something of general interest? Then write for the Heralds' Page! Anyone's work can be printed, provided it is suitable. This forum is for all aspects of heraldry and we really need more voice content, as well as some humor.

To submit articles, send them to me and Morel Black Stag. Email is lovely, and I can accept just about any electronic format now. Paper is welcome also, as I have no problem retyping new and interesting things for heralds to read. There is no rigid style or format, write your information out in a manner that communicates and know that your content is being appreciated.

I have an oft-repeated old saw that goes something like this: "We are a College of Heralds, and a college is a group of like-minded individuals working together to share information, educate one another, and have the power of the group knowledge and experience to tap into." We all have something to share, you know.

Teceangl Bach

Arms of Morel Black Stag

Greetings unto all who read these pages!

A couple of months ago, Teceangl Ounce wrote that I was allowing her to continue helping with the Heralds' Page. How kind and very modest of her! I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight.

This newsletter is Teceangl's baby. It is she that has put it together and distributed it from the beginning. But, Teceangl has done increasingly more of the workload as I have done less, until we are now at the point where I can no longer be called co-Editor. Now it is Teceangl who most kindly allows *me* to add my tuppence when necessary.

This is a wonderful publication, and I want it said for the record that this is due to the tireless work, resourcefulness, and creativity of Teceangl Ounce.

Teceangl, I humbly thank you for the opportunities you gave me, and I thank you for a publication that is enjoyable both to read and to contribute to. I hope you are proud, because you should be.

Morel Black Stag

[Fine, Morel, if you're not co-Editor then you're Editor-in-Chief, okay? I'll be Managing Editor. -Teceangl]

The war standard of Michele Aquilani da Napoli

The war standard of Michele Aquilani da Napoli (aka Monseigneur Eagle), Summits (roughly blazoned: Per fess argent and sable, an eagle Or, on the tierce argent the Cross of St. George.)

An Tir Heraldic Symposium April 17, 2004

hosted by the Barony of Myrgan Wood
Saskatoon, SK, Canada

The Barony of Myrgan Wood invites the good gentles of Avacal, An Tir, and the rest of the Known World to a Symposium of the heraldic arts. A multitude of marvelous activities await you followed by a fantastic feast to close the day.

Are you a branch herald, a voice herald, or do you need to learn more about the subject for your sergeantry trials or your own purposes? We have a variety of classes to suit all of these needs. This year we are offering name classes for a variety of cultures (Norse, Celtic, Russian & Slavic), Heraldry For Non-Heraldic Cultures, and a name pronunciation class (great for voice heralds!). We are also covering How To Be A Consulting Herald, Basic Heraldry, Basic Voice, and Court Heraldry, Russian Illumination, and more! A more detailed class list will be available on the event websites listed below.

Are you wanting to design a device or document a name? A consultation table for you to help you get your device and name approved with fewer surprises and less frustration.

Are you a heavy or rapier fighter? There will be prize tournaments during the day for both heavy fighters and rapier fighters. The tournaments will both be of a heraldic nature and details for them will be posted on the event web sites listed below.

Are you hungry after this exciting day's activities? A feast will be held following the days activities for those involved. There will be a prize for the most heraldic table setting at the feast as well as the most heraldic garb.

Are you wondering where this event will be taking place and what it will cost? The main event location will be Saints Martyrs Canadiens located at 1007 Windsor Street, Saskatoon, SK. Detailed directions will be available on the event web sites listed below.

Site Fee - $8 (children under 16 are free)
Feast - $10 (children 10- 16 pay $5)
Non-Member Surcharge - $4
Cheques payable to: SCA - Myrgan Wood.

Are you from beyond Myrgan Wood's borders? Contact Armatus for arranging crash space and airport pickups.

The Autocrats for this event are:

L. Armatus
mka Andrew Bennett
Ph:(306) 683-4356

HE Baron Raoul Delaroche
mka Duane Walker
Ph: (306) 651-2599

Herald In Charge is:
Morel Black Stag Herald
Ph: (250) 923-9102

Black Lion Report from 12th Night

(this is a roughish outline, but covers all important points)

Curia Notes:

A question came up about Order names, and Badges for certain awards. I will be investigating this area, since Corpora seems to imply that all of our Order/Award names and Badges need to be registered. We have a number that are not currently registered, and this needs to be looked at.

Heralds Meeting:

First up we talked about the Heraldic Symposium in Avacal.

I boldly declared I was going to do the Handbook. There was the requisite laughter that should follow that statement. :) My proposal is actually this: I am going to be working on a Administrative Handbook, with a MUCH narrower scope and work on other elements as time allows. This will include a financial handbook, and also collect BL Policies of previous BL Emeriti in one place.

Regions are coming back, so are regional heralds. Job opens immediately. Looking for Western, Inlands, and Rivers regional heralds. The job description will mostly branch outreach, and report collecting.

After the thaw, Let's TRAVEL!! Once the weather turns better, lets try and get out to the outlying areas more often, coordinating with outlying branches and their neighbors to get turnout. More to come on this as I contact branches for more information on their needs.

A suggestion was made for some sort of way to upload images to a web server so people could show pictures of sample armory easily. I have a script I might be able to and will investigate.

There are two BL staff jobs that will be turning over in the next year: Black Stag & Lowenmahne.

Thanks for everyone's help and support at 12th night, I couldn't have done it without you!


Court Report From Dexter Gauntlet
Awards given during the month of January, AS XXXVIII

January 6, AS XXXVIII

January 10, AS XXXVIII

January 11, AS XXXVIII

January 12, AS XXXVIII

January 24, AS XXXVIII

An Tir Internal Letter for January, AS XXXVIII / 2004 CE

Lady Marya Kargashina
January 29, 2004
Send thy comments here:
Jessica Smith-Carlock
5114 SE Holgate
Portland, OR 97206

Commentary on this Letter will be due March 19th, 2004.
(Send comments to Lions Blood Herald, information at top of this page)

The February Lions Blood Meeting will be held on Sunday February 15th, at 1pm at the home of Aedan Mountains, 27059 Eversole Lane, Scappoose, Oregon, 97056, (503) 543-6133.

From I-5 in Portland take I-405 then exit 3 to Highway 30 westbound (this is a left lane exit if you're coming from the south). Follow the signs to Scappoose. At the far end of Scappoose look for the junction with Scappoose-Vernonia Highway, then head west on Scappoose-Vernonia Highway, following the signs to Vernonia. 7-8 miles past Scappoose make a left on Chapman Rd. (not Chapman Grange Road, the next one) and go about 1-2 miles. Just beyond the narrow bridge is the volunteer Fire Dept. on your right, there the road bears left then forks - take the right-hand fork (Kingsley), not the dead end. Eversole is the first left, a gravel road across from a large bank of mailboxes. Road rises steeply up the hill. House is on the right with a big green barn. There should be heraldry in sight.

From south of Salem on I-5: Take the Mission St./ Santiam exit number 253 and turn left at the light. Follow Mission street for just over 3 miles to Liberty St. and turn right. Liberty will take you through downtown, get toward the right lane (not into it until you see the mall, though, as it is a turn only once or twice) and turn right onto Marion St. past the Rite-Aid. Signs will direct you to Monmouth/Dallas/West Salem/Ocean Beaches/highway 22 - follow them. Stay in the right lane on the bridge and exit onto Wallace Road, which is a right turn at the end of the ramp from the bridge. Work your way into the left lane (no rush, you have several blocks) and watch for the Roth's supermarket on the right. Taybin Road is a left turn just past the Roth's, there is no light. First driveway on your left, then turn left again; 650 is in the second building from the left on the second floor. Park anywhere that is not against a building.

The March Lions Blood meeting will be held on Sunday, March 21st, at 1pm, location TBA.

Arms of Marya Lions Blood

Greetings from Lions Blood.

Wreath Sovereign of Arms has explained the blazoning of suns and moons:

There have been a number of requests in the commentary to modify the gender used in referring to (for example) a sun in its splendor or a moon in her plenitude. We allow suns to be either masculine or neuter, and we allow moons to be either feminine or neuter, and we will retain the submitter's blazon when feasible.

Please remember to state specifically in your commentary whether or not you have checked a submission for conflict. I need to know.



The following people were present at the November Lions Blood meeting or sent commentary: Juliana Siren, Richenda Boar, Marya Lions Blood, Meadhbha Dragon's Mist, Teceangl Ounce, Ciaran Goutte de Sang, Earc Mountain Edge, Elisabeth Pomegranate, David Electrum, Natasha vox Leonis, Gwenlian Catharne, Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Li Ban Tir Righ, Tadgg h-úa Faelan of Clan MacNessa, Çinara beguy Urdina, Wade of Many Places, and Knut.

The following names and armory have been sent to Laurel (December LoI) --

Anisko Mandyevich Device, New
Or, on a pile throughout vert between two arrows inverted sable, a dexter gauntlet sustaining a dagger argent.
Avicia le Mey Badge, New
(Fieldless) A hawthorn leaf per pale vert and argent.

This is the same depiction of the hawthorn leaf as on the submitter's device, also registered Nov. 1997.

Brian of Ledbury Name and Device, New
Sable, a cross throughout azure fimbriated argent between four eagles Or.

While the submitter's legal name is Brian Ledbury, we feel that the addition of the element 'of' is sufficient to clear his name as per the Admin Handbook section III.A.9. under Protected Names.

His armory should be clear of Finland (important non-SCA flag) Argent, a cross azure; Cornwall (Important non-SCA-flag) Sable, a cross argent; and Norway (important non-SCA flag): Gules, a cross azure fimbriated argent. Against Finland, there are CDs for change of field, and addition of secondary. Against Cornwall, there are CDs for change of tincture of primary and addition of secondaries, and against Norway, there are CDs for change of field and addition of the secondaries.

Caitilin de Gallaidhe Name, New

Johannes Fairhand Device, Resubmission
Purpure, a hand within an annulet argent.
John Guthrie Name and Device, New
Quarterly gules and sable all ermined, a fox rampant contourny within an orle argent.
Lucrezia da Ferrara Name, New

Michael of Lancaster Device, New
Per fess argent and azure, a saltire engrailed counterchanged overall a sword inverted and in chief a rose gules.

Submitter's name was sent to Laurel on the Letter of Intent dated October 2003.

Muireann inghean ui Rodain Device, Resubmission
Vert, a bend sinister between an eagle rising and a sheaf of arrows Or.
Valgard Forkbeard Name, New

Vostroi Ivanov Kievich Name, Change from Gwilym Moore de Montfort

If this name is accepted the submitter would like to retain his current name as an alternate name.

Walter Graham Name, New

Ysabeau d'Anjou Device, New
Per chevron argent and purpure, two pears vert and a heron argent

The following were returned for further work:

Valgard Forkbeard Badge, New
Per pale vert and azure a stags head cabossed argent.

This was returned for conflict with Aengus mac Coll (January 1981, Atenveldt), Vert, a stag's head cabossed argent, orbed and attired of flames proper, resting on its head a chalice Or., with one CD for changes to the field.

The following submission was withdrawn by the submitter:

Valgard Forkbeard Badge, New
Per pale vert and azure two stags head cabossed argent and a drakkar proper.


1. Brianna Wulfbeald Glymm Mere Device, Change

Per saltire vert and sable.

The submitter has included a letter of permission to conflict with Gwenlian Catharne (Gwen Frost, also submitted in this letter). The submitter would like to change her current device to a badge if this new device is accepted.

The submitter's name was registered in May of 2003.

2. Daria Baird de Navarre Porte de l'Eau Device, New

(Fieldless) A frog sejant vert.

The submitter's name was registered in April of 1991.

3. Gwenlian Catharne Glymm Mere Device, Change

Per saltire sable and azure.

The Submitter has included a letter of permission to conflict with Brianna Wulfbeald (also submitted in this letter). The submitter would like to change her current device to a badge if this new device is accepted.

The submitter's name was registered in July of 2002.

4. Gwenlian Catharne Glymm Mere Badge, New

(Fieldless) A lozenge azure.

The submitter's name was registered in July of 2002.

5. Gwenlian Catharne Glymm Mere Badge, New

(Fieldless) A lozenge sable.

The submitter's name was registered in July of 2002.

6. John Catharne Glymm Mere Badge, New

(Fieldless) A lozenge pointed fleury Or.

The submitter's name was registered in May of 2003.

7. Katin inghean Neachtan Glymm Mere Name and Device, New

Per chevron vert and sable, two cats sejant contourny and a scroll palewise argent.

The submitter will accept all changes, cares most about sound, desires a female name, and will accept a holding name.

Katin is found in Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson, A Dictionary of English Surnames (s.n. Catt). Reaney and Wilson indicate that Catt is probably a pet form of Catelin, from which are formed the diminutives Catell, Caton, and Katin. Reaney and Wilson (s.n. Catlin) indicate that the name is from the Old French Caterine and Cateline, with the French form of Catherine and was "introduced into England in the 12th century when it became popular, usually in the form of Catelin(e)."

inghean is cited from quickgaelicbynames/index.shtml#sources as meaning the daughter of.

Neachtan is cited from Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's article,, which lists this as a spelling for Nechtan dated to 1160, but cautions that this spelling may not be appropriate for this year. The submitter would like this spelling, but will settle for Nechtan if necessary. Neachton, used in a simple patronymic, does not need to be lenited ( quickgaelicbynames/index.shtml#sources). No genitive form of the name was found. No copies of this documentation were provided.

8. Katin inghean Neachtan Glymm Mere Badge, New

(Fieldless) On a scroll fesswise argent a cat couchant contourny sable.

The submitter's name appears above.

9. Kieran Moncrieff of Dundee
Device, Resubmission

Azure, on a chevron fracted argent five trefoil knots azure and on a chief embattled argent three crosses azure.

The submitter's original device of this blazon was returned in December 2002 at kingdom for a redraw of the chief to make the embattlements deeper. This redraw addresses that problem.

The submitter's name was registered in April 2003.

10. Máel-dúin MacCormaicc Dragon's Laire Name and Device, New

Or, between two grenades on a pile vert a rabbit rampant argent.

The submitter will not accept major change, cares most about language/culture (Manx), desires a male name, wants his name changed to be authentic for Manx 8th - 12th century and will accept a holding name.

The submitter has provided documentation for his name from Arval Benicoeur. This letter states that there is no written evidence of Manx Gaelic names from the submitter's desired period. He then uses Irish Gaelic to construct the submitter's name.

Arval documents Máel Dúin from Ó Corrain, Donnchadh & Maguire, Fidelma, Irish Names (no heading cited) and indicates that the name was common in early medieval Ireland. Arval also cites Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's article (

Arval discusses, but does not document MacCormaicc, although he spells it mac Cormaicc. Additional documentation of early Manx names can be found at and Copies of Arval's letter were provided, but not of any of the websites he cites.

The grenades on the submitter's device are sable enflamed gules.

11. Martha at Gore Aquaterra Device, Resubmission

Per pall argent, counterermine, and vert, a spinning wheel gules.

The submitter's previous device was returned in December 2002 at kingdom for an unclear per pall line of division, the top portion terminating well above the per fess line. This redrawing corrects the problem. The spinning wheel can be found in Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme's A Pictorial Dictionary, item # 694.

The submitter's name was registered in April 2003.

12. Patrekr Korason Glymm Mere Name and Device, New

Per pale sable and gules, two snakes palewise glissant argent.

The submitter will accept all changes, desires a male name, and will accept a holding name.

Patrekr is found in Geirr Bassi Haraldsson, The Old Norse Name, page 14.

Kori is found in Geirr Bassi Haraldsson, The Old Norse Name, page 12. Korason is formed using the guidelines provided on page 17.

13. Patrekr Korason Glymm Mere Badge, New

(Fieldless) A snake palewise glissant argent.

The submitter's name appears above.

14. Svava in litli Dragon's Mist Name and Device, New

Gules, an oak tree eradicated between two goats statant respectant Or.

The submitter accepts changes, cares most about the stated meaning of "Svava the short", and desires a feminine name.

Svava is documented from the Poetic Edda; Hyndluljoth, stanza 17 ' the daughter of Svava and Saekonung.'. in litli is cited from Gierr Bassi, The Old Norse Name, pg 25.

15. Tamlin Mac Grim of Westray Glymm Mere Device, Resubmission

Argent, a mullet of six points voided and interlaced within and conjoined to a serpent involved head to sinister sable, on a chief rayonny sable two roundels argent.

The submitter's previous device of the same blazon was returned in October 2003 at kingdom for a lack of internal detailing on the serpent on the colored emblazon form and for the unclear depiction of the complex line, being neither rayonny nor indented. This submission addresses the internal detailing issue. The submitter's herald states that this depiction of a rayonny line of division can be found in James Parker's A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry. The submitter's name was forwarded to Laurel in October 2003.

16. Tamlin Mac Grim of Westray Glymm Mere Badge, Resubmission

(Fieldless) A mullet of six points voided and interlaced within and conjoined to a serpent involved head to sinister sable.

The submitter's previous badge was returned in October 2003 at kingdom for a lack of internal detailing on the serpent on the colored emblazon form. This submission addresses that issue. The submitter's name was forwarded to Laurel in October 2003.

In service,

Device of Richenda de Jardin

Written by:
Richenda de Jardin
Boar Pursuivant

Device of Wenyeva atte Grene

HTML by:
Wenyeva atte grene

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