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Newsletter of the College of Heralds of An Tir
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Hi. I'm Black Lion. I like Heraldry, long walks on the beach, and really good micro brew. I enjoy reading about really obscure bits of heraldry, and making pretty devices in Photoshop.
This weekend, Davin and Groa decided I'd do well enough, and poured some water on my head. (which I must admit, felt pretty damn good. Don't know about you folks, but my noodle was seriously baked in that heat.)
First I would like to thank Marco Valentino for his work as the outgoing Black Lion herald. He quickly became a good friend, and gave me some very interesting and fun insights into the wacky world of dealing with Crown. Thanks for your service!!
At the event there was NO good time to have a meeting, so we had roving small meetings whenever I ran into you. If I didn't run into you, well it was mostly what I'll say here, so you didn't miss a whole lot. If you have any questions or concerns, my inbox is always open.
Mostly what I was talking to people about was Officer positions. We have a number of openings in some very key and important offices. If you are interested in the position or want more information, please e-mail me at blacklion@antir.sca.org and CC the current office holder.
** Lions Blood (Submissions) - Position open. Applications being accepted currently as Tec is nearing the end of her tenure. Office would like to turn over in the next couple of months. Contact Teceangl for information on the skill set required. (currently 1 applicant)
** Dexter Gantlet (Order of Precedence) - Due to Sonnet getting a job after being out of work for over a year, she has had to give this job up. She managed to get a huge amount of work done on it, but lots more needs to be done. Skills needed: Familiarity with Access DB, minor HTML authoring, some protocol knowledge, and decent people skills. This position is open immediately, and interested parties should e-mail me. In the mean time Sonnet and I will still be working on it until we can fill this important position.
** Æstel (Consulting/Research Assistance) - Eglentyne has informed me that her tenure is soon up, and would like to step down at 12th night. Skills needed: Good people skills, Strong back or access to one or more, willingness to travel or arrange for the library to travel, a passion for research, and good access to the Internet for consulting research help.
I went to Curia (why does it have to be 8:00 AM?) and gave a report on the state of Heraldry in the Kingdom. My report was good. The heraldic community in An Tir is one of the best, and we should be proud. One of the "themes" I will be trying keep in mind, and in everyone ones minds throughout my tenure is that of "Public Relations and Communication". While I know we do good work, and lots of it, there are still lingering PR issues that the college has, and can usually be traced back to poor or miscommunication. I'll be talking to people when I get a chance about this issue, usually at consult tables, or herald symposiums. There are lots of little things that can help a consult go smoothly, and can lead to lots of happy customers. There will always be that "client from hell" who wants what s/he wants, and will hate the heralds for saying "no", but it's the rest I want to get to. We do a good job though, I'm proud of the An Tir College of Heralds, and quite honored to be a part of it.
Frederic Badger
Black Lion Principal Herald.
Their Majesties have requested that the cheers during Their reign be "Hurray". Their Majesties understand that the populace has become so accustomed to using "Huzzah" over the past 10 years that it may be confusing at first. However, please spread the word that whenever there is Royal Presence for certain, and at other events as well, the response for cheers for Gunnar and Gabrielle's reign should be "HURRAY".
Vox Leonis Herald
I know that all of us, being the good and responsible types that we are, occasionally send in award recommendations.
Sometimes several recommendations are received for the same person, and since a lot of people have only heard a name, not seen it, phonetic interpretations of names can get reaallly creative sometimes. This leaves the Crown with a whole stack of recommendations for one person (at least, they're pretty sure it's one person) with no real clue how to spell their name. This makes extra work for the royal scribes, which fact the Crown made mention of a couple of times last weekend at Coronation.
So, here's a suggestion that some of you may already follow--when recommending someone, look up their name at in the online A&O and include the date ("I would like to recommend Joe Blow for a Goutte. His name was registered with this spelling in 5/71.") Assuming, of course, Joe has already got something registered. If he doesn't, now you know and you can get to work on him right away :-).
And while you're there, how about including Joe's blazon? ("His arms, registered 5/71, are Insertblazonhere.") Depending on the reign and the circumstances, he *might* have a shot at getting something armorial on his scroll....
Anyway, it's a thought. If you think it is useful please pass it on to your friends and neighbors who aren't heralds, with some suggestions on how to look things up in the A&O (which bit of educational info can hardly come amiss anyway.)
Elisabeth Pomegranate
Long and Short of It
August 8 - 10
Terra Pomaria
Terra Pomaria is graciously hosting a consult table, heraldic classes, and the Lions Blood meeting on Sunday. Field heralds will be very welcome, and HL Ciaran Cluana Ferta will be teaching a class on field heraldry. Other classes will be offered, as well. Join us in making Long and Short of It a heraldic pleasure.
Event website: http://www.open.org/~tpomaria/long_short.htm
Event Autocrat: Arcil macRobert (Rob Harrison). Phone: 503-668-7277 or 503-849-9390. arcil2001@yahoo.com
Co - Autocrat: Lady Daire inghean ui Chearbhaill (Linda Carroll). Phone: 503-769-7077 or 503-851-0230. snow_owl1@hotmail.com
Herald in Charge: Jean-Jacques Lavigne. jean-jacques_lavigne@attbi.com
by Signora Francesca Testarossa dei Martini, Pursuivant-at-Large
What does the client want? Checking the "Dread Authenticity Box" (or not) may have the opposite effect if they don't understand some things about custom and the registration process.
Whilst the purists among us would love to see each member ardently seeking a fully documented name that is provably accurate within the reasonable lifetime of their detailed persona, that isn't going to happen for everyone, ever. There will always be people who want names that are registrable but not completely authentic. It is up to the consulting herald to determine which camp a client falls into, then help them to fill out their forms effectively for them.
It will sometimes be up to us to make sure they understand that it is OK to not want a completely authentic name. Once it is established that they don't care much about perfect authenticity, and they've chosen a registrable name (or one you can't talk them out of trying for), steer them away from the authenticity box. Encourage a client to tell us what is truly important to them, instead. If you and the client already know of some possibilities for change, encourage them to tell us what they would prefer, and what they won't accept. (For instance, if they want try for registration of two given names in a time and culture where this naming structure is doubtful, and they will accept having one given name dropped by Pelican, ask them to tell us which of the two proposed given names they prefer to keep.)
It is not useful to the college to be told that the person wants an authentic name, if they don't. It will lead to commentary that is less than helpful, and possibly to unnecessary research in our copious free time! And under some Pelican Sovereigns of Names, checking the authenticity box will lead to return of a name that is perfectly registrable but can't be made authentic.
On the other hand, some Pelicans will register a name that is plausible but not entirely authentic, even if the authenticity box is marked. If a client does want an authentic name, do your best to get the research done before the forms are filled out. Do your best to know, and help your client to understand, what the possibilities for change are, so they can allow or disallow a reasonable level of change to the name. (For instance, if neither of you is able to come to grips with the mysteries of Irish genitive case, lenition, and the spelling related thereto in the 9th century, encourage them to allow changes for grammar and spelling.) If they really do want an authentic name, make sure they check the authenticity box. Then, considering that commenter and Pelican can't be absolutely sure that the client meant what they checked, have them emphasize in their notes and other choices that they really, truly do want an authentic name.
If we do these things well as consulting heralds, the commenting college and Team Laurel can truly consider our clients wishes, and register names with the least fuss and the greatest satisfaction possible.
This was published in the June 2003 Heraldry Gazette (newsletter of the Heraldry Society (of England)). No author was given:
Heraldry is my hobby, I shall not be bored,
It maketh me to do my research in far places,
It causeth me to correspond with odd people,
It keepeth me alert,
It leadeth me into dark corners and church towers for curiosity's sake.
Yea, though I live through a winter of inclement weather,
I will feel no boredom, for my coats of arms are with me,
Their blazons and their language they intrigue me,
It provideth me with a means of escaping from the tensions of my responsibilities.
It filleth my house with books.
My cash runneth lower.
Surely interest and knowledge shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall be listed in the Rolls of Arms forever.
Teceangl Bach lions-blood@antir.sca.org tierna@agora.rdrop.com | July 28, 2003 Send thy comments here: | Brenda Klein 5235 SE Lambert St #A-5 Portland, OR 97206-9068 |
Commentary on this Letter will be due September 12th, 2003.
(Send comments to Lions Blood Herald, information at top of this page)
The August Lions Blood Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 10th, 1pm, at the site of Long & Short of It in Terra Pomaria. We will be in the large shelter at the "Filbert Grove" Day Use area of Willamette Mission State Park, 10991 Wheatland Rd. NE, Gervais, OR 97026, north of Salem/Keizer. Gate will be closed as of noon Sunday, so meeting attendees will face no site fee. Park map and day use info available from Oregon state parks.
Directions: Take your best route to I-5 exit #263 (just north of Salem). Head west on Brooklake Road, Turn right, onto Wheatland Rd. Turn left at Park entrance, Follow SCA signs to site.
The September Lions Blood meeting will be held on Sunday, September 14th.
Line? Every month I receive from one to half a dozen submission forms with the wrong name on the Society Name line. Usually the submitter has put in the unregistered name they've been using, sometimes I cannot tell where they got whatever they've put there. This is found on both name and armory submission forms. Occasionally I'll get a submission packet of name and device form with one name on the Society Name line of the name form and a completely different name on the Society Name of the device form!
The name that goes on the Society Name line of the submission forms is either the registered primary name of the submitter or the name s/he is attempting to register. Please guide your submitters into putting the registered or currently submitted name on the correct line. The only time the "Name being submitted (if different from above)" entry is to be used is when an alternate, household, or name change is being submitted. If the submitter has a holding name, please put the name they want registered on the Society Name line of the submission forms. (This information is on the back of the name submission forms and in the "How To Fill Out An Tir Heraldic Submission Forms" document, also.)
And finally, please take care to use mixed upper- and lowercase and to make any spaces in the name very obvious to the reader. Lions Blood and Pelican/Laurel have only the forms to go on for the correct case, spelling and spacing of the submitter's chosen name, and we'd really like to get it registered correctly.
Included in this mailing of the An Tir Heralds' Page is a copy of "How To Fill Out An Tir Heraldic Submission Forms". This article is also available online at http://www.antirheralds.org/submissions/submissions.html. Please make copies and hand out with submissions forms. Share, disseminate, educate!
The following was printed in the cover letter to the April 2003 LoAR. It is very important to all consulting heralds:
We have all seen instances when a submission was returned that was documented from a previously accepted submission - the old standard phrase is "Past registration does not ensure future registration." We are hopefully continuing to learn and this moving target can sometimes cause a name or device to be returned even just a month after a similar submission was accepted. A few weeks ago there was a discussion concerning the reply to a "But Laurel said ..." argument. The best summary of the situation comes from Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn:
One should always read any decision by Laurel as being prefixed by "Based on the available knowledge, research, and analysis available to us at this time, it is our understanding that ..."
Many heralds (on all levels of the hierarchy) often forget this and word statements of current knowledge as if they were Absolute Truth, but there's still an onus on the listener as well to insert the disclaimer.
We require your help to know "the truth". The current knowledge is extended by the research of the College of Arms, the College of Heralds, and the submitters. Any documentation provided on a submission, whether it is from the submitter, the Kingdom College of Heralds, or the College of Arms commenters, goes a long way to helping us all learn. If you provide "the truth" in your commentary and submissions work, that leads to better recreation and we all benefit from the latest best attempt at determining "the truth".
From the cover letter to the LoAR of April 2003:
The Shire of Owl's Reste (East Kingdom) will be the host for the Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium 2004 to be held June 25-27, 2004. It will be held at the Holiday Inn Conference Center outside of New Cumberland, PA. Details are being finalized but we know that Doctor Gerard Brault, Penn State Professor of Medieval Studies and author of several books on medieval heraldry, will be a teacher. Also anticipated is a speaker from the Walters Museum in Baltimore from their manuscript collection. The event Web site is under construction and will be available soon.
Aldgudana Gunnarsdóttir. | Badge. (Fieldless) An acorn per pall sable argent and Or. |
Anastasia Daysshe. | Name. |
Brighid Ross. | Name and device. Gules, a pavilion and on a chief Or three annulets gules. |
Elizabeth Drake. | Name. |
Gwenlian Catharne. | Device. Sable, on a bend sinister azure fimbriated three dogwood blossoms palewise argent seeded Or. |
Jacques Deleau. | Name. |
Kieran Moncreiff of Dundee. | Name. |
Krakafjord, Shire of. | Device. Per fess engrailed argent and vert, in chief a drakkar reversed proper with shields Or and on the sail gules a laurel wreath, in base a sea serpent erect Or. |
Martha at Gore. | Name. |
Meryld Godewyn of Kent. | Device. Per saltire argent and Or, a columbine gules slipped and leaved vert. |
Rhiannon of Shrewsbury. | Name and device. Purpure, a shrew rampant maintaining a berry within a bordure Or. |
Ricardo de Silva. | Name and device. Sable platy, on a bend sinister cotised Or a sun in its splendor palewise gules. |
Richard Dragun. | Name and device. Quarterly gules and sable, four dragons passant Or each maintaining a Latin cross pomelly at the foot argent. |
Ruaidhrí Lámgel. | Name. |
Sebastian Rodriguez de Castile. | Name. |
Stephen of Huntington. | Badge. Azure semy of hunting horns argent. |
William the Mariner. |
Badge. (Fieldless) An anchor fouled of its cable argent enfiling a coronet bendwise sinister Or pearled argent. There is a high degree of overlap between the coronet and the anchor and its cable. This is not acceptable style for overall charges on a fieldless badge for reasons of identifiability and non-period style. The same stylistic constraints which apply to charges surmounted by overall charges also apply to charges enfiled by other charges. The orientation of the coronet is neither clearly bendwise sinister nor clearly palewise. This is not blazonable and therefore a reason for return under RfS VII.7.b. There are also contrast problems with this emblazon. The argent pearls on the coronet overlap the argent anchor, giving no contrast at those points. |
Aleyne Edwinson. | Name. |
Ambra da Monte. | Name and device. Per chevron azure and vert, a mullet of eight points and a frog argent. |
An Tir, Kingdom of. | Heraldic title Coquille Pursuivant. In this case, the title Coquille Pursuivant is registered to the Kingdom of An Tir and is noted as being for use by the Barony of Seagirt. |
Bethel Allen. | Name. |
Bran mac Conchobair. | Name (see RETURNS for device). |
Brianna Wulfbeald. | Name and device. Per fess purpure and vert, a fess embattled between a moon in her plenitude and a she-wolf passant contourny argent. |
Cassandra Catharne. | Name and badge (see RETURNS for device). (Fieldless) A dragonfly argent winged azure. |
Elena Tvorimirova zhena Danilova. | Name and device. Azure, on a pale engrailed argent three ladybugs gules marked sable. |
Havoise de Rohan. | Name and device. Azure, four lozenges in cross argent each charged with an ermine spot sable. |
John Catharne. | Name and device. Per fess indented Or and azure, five fleurs-de-lys three and two counterchanged. |
John Gover. | Name and device. Per bend sinister vert and argent, a mullet of nine points argent charged with a nonagon vert and a Cornish chough proper. |
Jordan Catharne. | Name and device. Quarterly azure and gules, five mullets of eight points in saltire Or. |
Rhonwen Wynterbourne. | Name and device. Vert, on a chief argent three oak leaves bendwise gules. |
Seagirt, Barony of. | Order name Order of the Beare. |
Seagirt, Barony of. | Award name Award of the Harp and Hammer. |
Seagirt, Barony of. | Award name Award of the Rocke of Seagirt. |
Seagirt, Barony of. | Order name Order of the Seagull. |
Tatsukawa Rokurou Yoshiaki. | Name. |
Tevenete de Charolais. | Name and device. Argent, a fret and on a chief vert three estoiles argent. |
Tressach mac Domnaill. | Device. Per bend sable and gules, a bend wavy Or and in chief a dogwood blossom argent. |
Tvorimir Danilov. | Device. Bendy sinister vert and Or, a hawk striking to sinister within an orle argent. |
Bran mac Conchobair. | Device. Argent, a bend sinister azure between two ravens sable.
Conflict with Malleta MacKessock, Argent, a bend sinister azure between a rose sable barbed and seeded proper and a natural panther rampant to sinister sable. There is a CD for changing the type of the secondary charges. There is no additional CD for changing the charge posture. The November 2002 LoAR stated: "There is not a meaningful posture comparison either between birds and cats (per the charges in chief) or between birds and insects (per the charges in base)." A similar analysis holds when comparing Bran's armory with Malleta's: there is not a meaningful posture comparison between birds and cats, or between birds and roses. The November 2002 ruling continued, stating: We do allow meaningful posture difference between groups of unlike charges if both groups can be said, for example, to have a meaningful addorsed posture versus a respectant posture, but that is not possible in this armorial comparison. Note that the November 2002 precedent ended in a fashion that was unclear at best. Here is a clarification of that ruling: We do allow meaningful posture difference between groups of charges which would otherwise not have comparable postures when the following conditions apply:
So, while it is is not possible to compare the posture of a bird and a cat, it is possible to compare the posture of two cats rampant addorsed versus two doves close, and see that the cats are facing in opposite directions and the doves are facing in the same direction. This ruling affirms a ruling in the LoAR of September 2000: [Purpure, a bend sinister between two falcons rising wings addorsed Or] This is clear of ... Purpure, a bend sinister between two glaive heads addorsed Or; there is a CD for the type of secondaries, as well as a CD for orientation. (This CD is granted because both charges have the ability to be addorsed, and the falcons are not.) |
Cassandra Catharne. | Device. Sable, on a fess rayonny argent, a pithon displayed head to chief azure.
The tertiary charge was originally blazoned as a dragon migrant to chief. However, the charge has no visible legs so clearly cannot be a dragon. We have reblazoned it to a pithon as this more closely resembles a bat-winged snake than a dragon. However, the College felt strongly that the charge was not identifiable as drawn. The wings are clearly drawn but the body and head of the pithon are too small and slight to clearly identify. |
Desiree de Colecestra. | Device. Per fess wavy argent and azure, two caravels counterchanged.
Conflict with Feliciano Grimaldi, Per pale azure and argent, in fess a ship reversed and a ship both under sail counterchanged. There is one CD for changing the field. There is no difference for changing the type of the ship per the LoAR of April 2000: "By long standing precedent, there is not a CD between two types of ship ..." There is no difference given for the change of posture due to reversing one of the ships per the LoAR of February 2000: "... there is a CD for the field, but by long standing precedent nothing for reversing a ship." There is also no difference for changing the arrangement of the charges. The charges may not lie on a portion of the field with which they have no contrast. Desiree's charges could not be arranged like Feliciano's (with the argent charge in the center of the dexter portion of the field and the azure charge in the center of the sinister portion of the field) on a per fess wavy argent and azure field, because each charge would have no contrast with half of the field on which it lies. The charges must change their arrangement. Because this change in arrangement is "caused by other changes to the design" (namely, the changes to the field) it is not worth difference per RfS X.4.g for arrangement changes. (This is often known as a "forced" arrangement change or "forced" position change.) See the LoAR of February 2003 for another ruling which discusses the issue of "forced" arrangement and position changes in counterchanged armory in more detail. |
Druim Doineann, Shire of. | Device. Per chevron throughout sable and vert, the line of division "fimbriated", three laurel wreaths argent.
This device has identifiability problems. Because the three laurel wreaths are of the same type and size, and because heraldic designs of the form Per chevron [A] and [B], three [X] are overwhelmingly more common in period than designs of the form [A], on a a pile inverted [B] between two [X] an [X], the overwhelming visual impression of this emblazon is of armory following the Per chevron [A] and [B], three [X] design. However, the thin white line in the middle of the field is not compatible with a per chevron field interpretation. It is much too thin to be a chevron between the laurel wreaths. It is too thick to be considered simply an argent detail line dividing the field. It cannot be fimbriation, because only charges may be fimbriated, not field divisions. As a result of the identifiability issues, this must be returned per RfS VII.7.a, which states in pertinent part, "Any charge, line of partition, or field treatment used in Society armory must be identifiable, in and of itself, without labels or excessive explanation." |
A blazon was left out of the June 2003 Internal Letter. Item number 3. Cadoc Godeboldus is missing the blazon: Per bend sable and argent, a goblet Or and a sword gules.
A second blazon was incorrectly given. Item number 6. Corwyn de Wemyss should have the following device blazon: Per pale vert and azure, a Thor's hammer and a bordure embattled Or. Commenters are asked to also check the device minus the bordure if they get the chance.
The following people were present at the June Lions Blood meeting or sent commentary: Rafaella Blue Anchor, Ciaran Goutte de Sang, Juliana Siren, Richenda de Jardin, Meadhbha Dragon's Mist, Teceangl Lions Blood, Marya Boar, Francesca Testarossa dei Martini, Moreach nicmhaolain, Eglentyne Æstel, Knut, Li Ban Tir Righ, Tadgg h-úa Faelan of Clan MacNessa, Eirik Halfdanarsson, Lucien Red Raven, Pendar Musimon, and Aryanhwy merch Catmael.
Áedán mac Suibne | Badge, New |
(Fieldless) A stirrup vert. | |
Áedán mac Suibne | Badge, New |
Gules, on a fess between two lozenges argent a penbox sable. | |
Ælfwynn Fiske | Badge, New |
Per fess purpure and Or, a fish haurient counterchanged. | |
Alane MacAonghais | Name, New |
Although we realize the submitted name is not Gaelic, we were reluctant to change it at kingdom given the submitter only allows minor changes and we believe it is registerable as submitted. We respectfully leave any tinkering to Pelican. | |
Alexandria Dalassaene Kourkouaina | Badge, New |
(Fieldless) A crampon purpure. | |
Alexandria Dalassaene Kourkouaina | Badge, New |
(Fieldless) A staple vert. | |
An Tir, Kingdom of for Gurges Pursuivant | Heraldic Title, New |
This title is intended for the Pursuivant of the Barony of Aquaterra. | |
Appoline d'Avignon | Badge, New |
(Fieldless) In pale an iris and an iris inverted conjoined purpure slipped and leaved vert. | |
Aquaterra, Barony of | Badge, New |
Argent, a stag lodged contourny azure attired Or and a bordure nebuly azure. Although certain details like unguling are not usually blazoned in the SCA, the An Tir commenters felt that attires might constitute enough of the beast to be worth blazoning if tinctured differently, so we have. |
Aquaterra, Barony of | Badge, New |
Or, a seahorse and a bordure nebuly vert. | |
Aster Peyton. | Badge, New |
Or, in pale two talbots courant contourny gules. | |
Carith de Cuevas | Name, New |
Cered Blodletere, Change from Mark Blodletere | Name, Resubmission (Change of Holding Name) |
Christopher MacEvinney | Name, New |
Edward Cire of Greymoor | Device, Change |
Per chevron gules and argent, two wyverns erect respectant argent and a scorpion passant sable. | |
Edward Cire of Greymoor | Device, Augmentation |
Per chevron gules and argent, two wyverns erect respectant argent and a scorpion passant sable, and for augmentation on a canton purpure a cross of Calatrava and a bordure Or. | |
Emelye Mulvaney | Name and Device, New |
Per pale gules and sable, two chalices and a bordure Or. | |
Erik von Winterthur | Device, New |
Per bend rayonny Or and sable, in bend sinister two eagles rising counterchanged. | |
Fergus Sturrock | Name, New |
Fionnghuala Friseil | Badge, New |
(Fieldless) A willow tree couped per pale gules and sable. | |
Ian MacPherson of Lee | Name, New |
Originally submitted as Ian Lee MacPherson, this name was changed at kingdom to place the locative Lee in the only possible position of this name. We could not drop it as there is a registered Ian MacPherson, registered in January 1991 via the East. | |
John de Percy | Name and Device, New |
Per bend sinister vert and sable, a wolf's head erased contourny and a lymphad sails furled Or. | |
Lachlan Munro | Device, New |
Per pale gules and sable, on a chief argent three mullets sable. | |
Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleóir change from Meadhbha inghean Bhriain Mhuilleóir | Name, Correction |
Owen Hallehyne | Name, New |
Rosamund Kilpatrick | Name and Device, New |
Or, a saltire gules overall a cross engrailed vert. | |
Serena Alessandra Dellaluna | Name, New |
Valdis Osborne | Device, New |
Azure, two lace bobbins in saltire and on a chief triangular argent a spider inverted azure. | |
Valdis Osborne | Badge, Resubmission |
Azure, a spider inverted and two lace bobbins in chevron inverted argent. | |
Wilhelm von Rottenstein | Name and Device, New |
Argent, a dragon's head couped sable and a chief rayonny gules. | |
Ysabeau d'Anjou | Name, New |
Ysabelot Clarisse | Name, New |
Alane MacAonghais | Device, New |
Vert, a tree blasted argent between in fess two pairs of arrows inverted in saltire and in base a mullet of eight points Or. Conflict with Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer - Vert, a tree eradicated argent. There is one CD by RfS X.4..b. for adding a group of secondary charges but no other CDs. Nothing on Alane's tree made it specifically a holly tree, so we are suggesting in resubmission he include leaves if he truly wants a holly tree. |
Aquaterra, Barony of | Badge, New |
Gules on a plate a cinquefoil sable charged on each petal with a goutte argent all within a bordure nebuly Or.
There were a few problems with this badge. First, a cinquefoil does not meet the guidelines for voiding and fimbriation, being too complex in outline. Second, the cinquefoil was not voided, it was charged on each petal with something. Third, since the petals were charged and the cinquefoil on ther plate there was a violation of the layer limit outlined in RfS VIII.1.c.ii. which states, "All charges should be placed either directly on the field or entirely on other charges that lie on the field." The gouttes were on the cinquefoil which is on the plate which is on the field. Even if the charge on the plate was voided this would violate this Rule, as a charge voided is the equivalent of "on an X another X". And finally, this badge is in conflict with Anabella of Newmarch - Gules, on a plate a double rose proper, a bordure Or. There is one CD for adding the bordure, but as a rose and a cinquefoil are the same type of charge, no CDs can be gained by the tincture change to the tertiary charge. In old or real-world cases of armory where charges exist on the third layer, they are not counted for difference. |
Aquaterra, Barony of | Badge, New |
Azure, a butterfly Or marked sable and a bordure nebuly Or.
The butterfly was primarily sable with only the barest of Or outlining and detailing. Chased charges and fimbriated complex charges have been disallowed by Laurel precedent for some time, so this had to be returned. |
Betha of Devon | Name and Device, New |
Per pale azure and purpure, a rose argent and bordure ermine.
The name conflicts with the registered SCA name Elizabeth of Devon. Betha is a diminuative of Elizabeth and diminutives are considered to be the same name as the one they evolved from. RfS V.1.a.i. says, " Irrespective of differences in sound and appearance, a given name is not significantly different from any of its diminutives when they are used as given names." The device is in conflict with Diana of Dymock - Lozengy gules and Or, a gardenia argent, leaved vert, within a bordure ermine. As a gardenia is a six-petalled flower practically identical to an heraldic rose, we believe there is no difference between the flowers leaving only the CD under X.4.a. for changes to the field. |
Carith de Cuevas | Device, New |
Azure, a chevron inverted between in chief a frog and in base two pomegranates in saltire argent.
Conflict with Ealasaid MacDonald - Azure, a chevron inverted between three crescents one and two argent. As the heraldic pomegranate does not normally come with a long stem, the slips being in saltire grant no more difference than those of roses (none, according to Laurel precedent), leaving only one CD for changing the type of charges in the secondary group. Additionally, a correctly drawn chevron inverted would either issue from the sides, not the top corners of the field, or if issuant from the top corners would continue almost to the point of the shield and leave no room beneath for charges. |
Gernon Valletort du Harfleur | Name and Device, New |
Azure, on a chevron argent three escallops sable and a bordure invected argent.
Gernon is only found as a surname in period and therefore cannot be registered as a personal name without documentation for that usage. The bordure was far too narrow with the points between the invections nearly touching the edge of the field. Since there is no name under which to send the device to Laurel, it must be returned, and Lions Blood will suggest beefing up the bordure in resubmission. |
Owen Hallehyne | Device, New |
Per pale gules and Or, a griffin counterchanged.
Conflict with Robert MacGryffyn - Per pale gules and Or, a griffin segreant between three pheons inverted counterchanged. There is only one CD for removing the secondary charge group under RfS X.4.b. As segreant is the default posture for griffins, it need not be included in the blazon. |
1. Brynach ap Rhys | Cold Keep | Badge, New |
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(Fieldless) A bow gules. Submitter's name was registered in June 2002. |
2. Conall Mac Quarrie | Wastekeep | Name and Device, New |
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Sable, a dragon rising to dexter azure maintaining a sword inverted argent, chief rayonny gules. The submitter accepts minor changes, cares most about sound, and desires a masculine name. He will accept a holding name. Conall is cited from E.G. Withycombe, The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, pg 71: "a common Irish name, derived from the old Celtic "Kuno-val-s" 'high-mighty'." Mac Quarrie is cited from George F. Black, The Surnames of Scotland: "Examples include Donald McGillecallum McGorre or McQuhorre (1506), Gillecallum McNeill McQuhore (1506), and Johnne Makquharie (1581)." The given blazon of the device is completely accurate with regards to tinctures. |
3. Everild le Kembere | Madrone | Name, New |
The submitter accepts minor changes, cares most about meaning, and desires a feminine name. Everild is cited from E.G. Withycombe, The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, ppg 114, and 38: "7th cent. St. Everild." le Kembere is cited from P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, Dictionary of English Surnames, p202-203: "wool comber". le Kembere is the submitter's preferred spelling. Her second choice is the spelling le Kembar, but she does not include dates for either. She will accept the spelling le Kemstere only if the other two options are completely unacceptable. She wishes her occupational byname to reflect her persona's involvement in the wool trade. |
4. Jocelyn Montgomery de Lyons | Dragon's Laire | Name, New |
The submitter will accept minor changes, cares most about sound, and desires an 11-13th century English name. Jocelyn is cited from E.G. Withycombe, The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, sub Jocelyn, Joscelyn on pg 177-178, cited as found in England circa 1199. Montgomery is cited from P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, Dictionary of English Surnames, pg 313, sub Montgomery: "Saint Germain de Montgomery, circa 1159". de Lyons is cited from P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, Dictionary of English Surnames, pg 289, sub Lyon, Lyons: "Henry de Lyons, cir 1296 SRSx." The use of de Lyons as a locative byname is found on pg 136 of Dauzat, Les noms de famille de France, dated to the 13th century. |
5. Kateryne of Hindscroft | Stromgard | Badge, New |
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(Fieldless) A cat purpur sejant contourné. The submitter's name was registered in September 1986. The cat is very purple. |
6. Keterlin Von Dem Drachen | Glyn Dwfn | Name and Device, New |
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Azure, a chevron cotised, 3suns in splendor Or. The submitter accepts any changes, cares most about meaning, stated to be "of the dragon", and desires a female name. She will allow a holding name. Keterlin is cited from Hans Bahlow, Deutsches Namenlexikon, sub Katerine: "derived from Catherine" and dated to 1366. Drachen is cited from Hans Bahlow, Deutsches Namenlexikon, sub Draa(c)k: van deme Drachin, dated 1363, and C. Drache 1357, and also from a source entitled (no author given) Deutsches Namenkunde, sub Drache. |
7. Raffe Ó Donnabháin | Glyn Dwfn | Name and Device, New |
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Per fess nebuly vert and sable, in chief 3 fir trees eradicated or, in base a wolf's head erased or. The submitter accepts changes and desires a masculine name. Raffe is cited from E.G. Withycombe, The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, with his desired spelling dated to 1237, and also from MacLysaght, Surnames of Ireland, pg 253-254. Ó Donnabháin is cited from Donnchadh Ó Corráin & Fidelma Maguire, Irish Names, pg 77, from MacLysaght, Surnames of Ireland, pg 199, and from Patrick Woulfe, Irish Names and Surnames, pg 501. |
8. Rohesia Moreleigh | Shittimwoode | Name, New |
The submitter accepts minor changes, cares most about sound, and desires a 12th-14th century English feminine name. Rohesia is cited from Academy of St.Gabriel, http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/nicolaa/anglonorman.html which document is not included in this submission. Moreleigh is cited from P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, Dictionary of English Surnames, pg 314, sub Morley. |
9. Styrkárr Bjarnarson | Aquaterra | Name, Change of Holding Name |
The submitter accepts any changes and desires a Norse masculine name. The submitter's previous submission, Styrkárr totiþjalfi, was returned from Laurel on the LoAR of September 2002 for undocumented byname construction (it was intended to mean 'tit-conqueror' but no evidence was found that that was a plausible byname in Norse nor that the combination of elements would have the desired meaning). Styrkárr is cited from Geirr Bassi Haraldsson's The Old Norse Name, pg 15. Bjarnarson is formed consistently with the example of þorbjarnarson, pg 18. |
10. Tamlin Mac Grim of Westray | Glymm Mere | Name and Device, Resubmission to Kingdom |
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Argent, a mullet of six points voided and interlaced within and conjoined to a serpent involved head to sinister sable, chief rayonny sable two roundels argent. The submitter accepts any changes, and desires a masculine name. He will allow a holding name. His previous submission of Tamlin MacGrim na Westrae, and a device of this same blazon, were returned from Kingdom in June of 2002, because the name mixed English, Scots, and Gaelic elements and three languages may not be combined in a name barring documentation of that use in period. Without a name the device had to be returned. Tamlin is cited from P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, Dictionary of English Surnames, sub Tamlin: "Peter Tamelyn 1327 SRSF. A double diminutive of Tam (Tom) Cf. TOMLIN"; from George F. Black, The Surnames of Scotland, sub Tomline: "Thomelinus Herys 1380"; and from Bardsley, A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames, sub Tamplin: "Tamson, d. Of Joanne Jenkin, 1573." Mac Grim is a constructed byname the submitter's herald says to be "based on the old Norse name gri'mr which would probably been adopted into Scots as Grim; in addition, R & W shows Grim as a given name from the DB 1066." R & W is P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, Dictionary of English Surnames and DB is the Domesday Boke. of Westray is cited from George F. Black, The Surnames of Scotland, sub Westray: "from the lands of Westray in the island of Westray, Orkney." |
11. Tamlin Mac Grim of Westray | Glymm Mere | Badge, Resubmission to Kingdom |
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(Fieldless) A mullet of six points voided and interlaced within and conjoined to a serpent involved head to sinister sable. The submitter's name appears on this IL. The submitter's previous badge of the same blazon was returned from Kingdom in June of 2002 for lack of a name. |
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