An Tir Internal Letter of Intent

Free to all persons willing to comment on a regular basis

Commentary due on this letter at the July Coronation 1998 meeting

This letter is also available by subscription for $12.00 U.S./year


7 May 1998 A.S. XXXII

Greetings unto the An Tir College of Heralds from Maryn Lion's Blood!

Sorry to have kept everyone waiting for information about the June meeting. It has been set; Ruadhan O'Faol·in will be hosting the meeting at the Blatha An Oir Lord Defenders event. We are looking at 5:00 pm on Saturday the 13th, ideally between court and the commencement of evening revels. Commentary for those unable to be at the meeting should reach me by Friday the 12th to be included in the decisions made there.

The July meeting is tentatively scheduled (pending conversation with the autocrat) for the Sunday after Coronation, around 11 am.

BIG NEWS! The new forms are out! There are a few Kingdom customizations to be done, and then I will set about trying to get the new forms out to everyone. However, feel free to submit on the old forms at least through May.

I apologize for not printing the results of the April meeting in this letter; scheduling problems kept me from getting them in time. I will include them next month with the results of the May meeting. While I'm at it, I also apologize for the occasionally 'woogly' lines in this letter; although I have hard-working and long-suffering helpers who will print things for me on better printers than the one I own, I lose a day to have them do so. And since I found a couple of errors I wanted to correct (I know, I know, you found lots that I didn't!) the results were, well, tractor feed 'woogly-ism'.

I have been having lots of informative and interesting conversations with people in the last few weeks. Please, if you have questions, don't hesitate to call me; I'll try to find out the answers for you! And now,

Old Submissions

No old submissions this time!

New Submissions:

1. lfthryth the Amiable Name & Device New

(Valley Wold)

Vert, a tower and in chief a roundel between an increscent and a decrescent argent

Withycombe is listed as showing the name <lfthryth> under the header 'Elfreda/Elfrid' on page 97. Pages 27, 28, 218 and 219 from David Williamson's Debrett's Kings & Queens of Britain were included with this submission, and show the names 'Elfthrith' and 'Elfthryth' as belonging to a 10th century Saxon queen, and to a 10th century daughter of Alfred the Great. Funk & Wagnall's Standard College Dictionary is used to show, under 'amiable', a derivation as follows: "… OF < L amicabilis friendly < amicus friend; infl. In OF by amable lovable…" The submitter wishes to retain the name's meaning.

2. Alisdair MacEwan Device resub/Kingdom

(Porte de L'eau)

Argent, on a bend embattled azure between two roses proper three pheons palewise inverted argent

His name was registered at Laurel in October 1993. I am informed by his consulting herald that his device was returned in June of 1993 for tertiary charge conflict; on this submission the bend has been embattled to clear the conflict. Since he was not within his 'free year', he has enclosed a check for this resubmission. I have taken the liberty of removing the initial capital letters from 'azure' and 'argent', as the SCA does not use capitalization for tinctures other than for the first word in a blazon and for the tincture 'Or'.

3. Alrikr af Stjarnaheimi Badge New

(Dragon's Laire)

(Fieldless) A Norse serpent nowed Or within and conjoined to an annulet argent

His name and device were registered in September 1990 in the West. His consulting herald has quoted a Precedent from Master Da'ud, first year, second tenure, page 28: "…For better or worse, the currently defined, already-registered Norse beasts continue to be acceptable…"

4. Arlindis O Gordon Badge resub/Kingdom

(Dragon's Mist)

Quarterly sable and argent, four quatrefoil knots counterchanged

Her name and device were registered in October 1995. Her previous badge submission, (Fieldless) A quatrefoil knot per pale sable and argent, was returned for conflict with Eilis ni Roibeard O'Boirne, who bears (Tinctureless) A quatrefoil knot. Eilis declined to grant permission to conflict, so this is a redesign. It makes use of the tinctures and quatrefoil knot from her device, Per pale sable and argent, on a roundel a quatrefoil knot within a bordure all counterchanged.

5. Arontius of Bygelswade Name Change

(Dragon's Laire)

This submission is a change from 'Arontius of Bikeleswade', which was registered in July 1997. The submitter has enclosed documentation from John J. Delaney's Dictionary of Saints, which shows the name <Arontius> on pages 72 and 289 as belonging to a saint who died in approximately the year 303. Also included are a page from John Field's Place-Names of Great Britain and Ireland, p.35, which shows the spelling Bygelswade in 1486, and page 210 from the Domesday Book, which mentions, twice, 'the Hundred of Biggleswade'. The submitter is unhappy with the hard 'K' sound in Bikeleswade. He contends that since <Arontius> was the name of a saint, it is possible that it cropped up from time to time throughout period, making it unnecessary to use the earliest form of the town's name. He declines to accept changes.

6. Attila Gy–ri Sandor Name & Device New

(River's Bend)

Per pale gules and vert, a patriarchal cross argent surmounted by an arrow inverted palewise sable, between a pair of doves close respectant argent

The name is Hungarian, and is intended to mean "Sandor, the little father (possibly young?), from Gy–r." Fairly extensive documentation was included with the name submission. From BÈla K·lm·n's The World of Names, A Study in Hungarian Onomatology we have evidence that the surname preceded the Christian name in Hungarian naming practices; also, the statement "In Hungarian all kinds of attributes precede the word they modify, therefore the natural order has been kept in the order of names as well…" is used to demonstrate that the order, if including nicknames and other bynames, would be Byname + Surname + Given Name. An example given is that Louis the Great was referred to as 'Nagy Lajos', where 'Nagy' means 'great'.

<Sandor> is found in the same source on page 46. It is given as an example of an 'original, non-Christian name' that predates the 16th century.

<Gy–ri> is a locative surname, meaning 'from the city of Gy–r'. The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World states, on page 741, that the city became a bishopric in the 11th century. Also, K·lm·n states on page 68 of the previous source that "From the name of every settlement inhabited in the 15th-16th centuries, surnames could be formed by means of the suffix -i." The submitter would much prefer the spelling 'Gy–ry' with a 'y', if possible. <Gyory> is the submitter's legal surname; it is offered that the name can be considered a modern or anglicized form of the Hungarian name (a copy of the submitter's driver's license is appended).

<Attila> is said to be a Gothic Germanic epithet meaning 'little father'. Several Hungarian names deriving from a Germanic origin are cited. The name <Attila> is intended as an epithet, not as a given name or surname; it is asserted (K·lm·n, p. 33) that the name was used as a term of respect (rather than as a proper name) for the historical Attila 'the Hun', and the submitter argues that its use as an epithet is therefore in keeping with historical precedent.

Also, it is stated that there is other precedent for the use of the term 'little father', even if not as the word/name <Attila>, specifically in Russia where the term is said to be used for such persons as the village priest, mayor, etc. and was used for the Tsars as well. The submitter accepts no changes.

7. BergdÌs ThorgrÌmsdÛttir Device resub/Kingdom

(Porte de L'eau)

Argent, an oak tree proper eradicated and in chief wavy azure three plates

This actually a paid resubmission, although the submitter has marked her form for 'New'. Her name was registered in April of 1994. Her previous device submission, Argent, an oak tree fructed and eradicated proper on a chief azure three roundels argent, had to be returned at Kingdom in July of 1996 for conflict with thelgar Regenwealdsune's Argent, a tree eradicated proper on a chief azure a seax reversed blade to chief argent. As you can see, the submitter has changed the chief's line of division to wavy.

8. Elena de Maisnilwarin Name New

(Lion's Gate)

The submitter lists <Elena> from Withycombe's The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, page 101 and again on page 148. Reaney and Wilson's A Dictionary of British Surnames, 2nd edition, gives us <de Maisnilwarin> from 1185 on page 229, under 'Mainwaring'. She declines to accept changes.

9. Elizabeth Braidwood Badge New

(Lion's Gate)

(Fieldless) A bee Or

Her name and device were registered in 1990. There isn't much to add here; a short blazon is a good blazon.

10. Griffin the Black Name & Device New

(Glymm Mere)

Sable, eight plates in annulo

The submitter would prefer the spelling 'Gryphon', if possible. <Griffin> is documented in Reaney & Wilson's 3rd edition on page 206, under 'Griffin'; <Griffin> is shown as a given name dated 1130. <the Black> is from the same source, page 46, under 'Black' where 'se Blaca' is dated to 964 and 'le Blacke' is dated to 1275. If changes are necessary, the submitter would prefer to preserve the general sound.

The submitter has a letter of permission to conflict with thelfrith se Hluda, who has submitted Sable three plates on the February Internal letter.

11. John Drakkus Blackrogue Name Change

(Dragon's Laire)

This submitter has been in the SCA for over eighteen years, using the name <Drakkus Blackrogue> pretty much from the beginning. In January 1990, the name 'John the Black Rogue' was registered to him. The submitter so much wishes to use the name <Drakkus> that he has gone to the lengths of having his name legally changed from (edited here to remove submitter's mundane name from the web version of this IL -- Wenyeva) so that he may use the mundane name allowance; he has included a photocopy of the name change document. He believes that the name is not intrusive to the 'average' SCA person, being much like the names 'Drache' and 'le Drake' found in Reaney & Wilson; however, any further help with finding the name in period would be appreciated. He also cites the Webster's Unabridged Dictionary which dates the word 'rogue' as being "…from 16th century thieves' slang".

The submitter is more than happy to accept simply <Drakkus Blackrogue>; that would actually be his real preference. I understand from the submitter that he submits <John Drakkus Blackrogue> to use his 'middle' name in the 'middle' name position. He is also happy to change <John> to <James> if the complete name is adjudged to be too like his modern name. Of the name elements, <Drakkus> is the most important to the submitter; however, if changes are absolutely required he would like to retain the overall general sound.

12. John Drakkus Blackrogue Device New

(Dragon's Laire)

Per chevron sable and argent, three dragons displayed counterchanged

As an artist's note, the dragons have their wings set a little lower than usual, so that their upper limbs are displayed against the background rather than against the wings.

13. Kat'ryna Widova Kolokolov Name & Device New

(River's Bend)

Purpure, a pair of handbells Or in bend sinister bendwise

The name is Russian, meaning 'Kat'ryna, the daughter of Wido Bell'. <Kat'ryna> is documented from Paul Wickenden of Thanet's A Dictionary of Russian Period Names, page 82, as a variant of 'Ekaterina' (which means 'always clean'). The submitter's herald mentions that 'Ekaterina' variations are dated to as early as 1108, and that she found over 50 variations and diminutives of the name! The name <Widova> is meant to be formed in the style recommended by Wickenden from the masculine name 'Wido' (page 214). The surname <Kolokolov> is found in Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova's book, The Compleat Russian Name Book on page 113.

The submitter wishes to keep the meaning of the name; her herald writes that they gratefully accept assistance in formation or grammar.

14. Lorn Stark Name & Device New

(An Tir)

Ermine, a wolf courant contourny sable

The submitter's name, although his mundane use name, is not his mundane legal name. Therefore, he (through his herald) contacted the submissions herald for the Kingdom of Trimaris when the name 'Lorn Mac Ewan' was registered in that Kingdom on the February 1998 LoAR to ask what documentation was used for the name <Lorn>. He has attached copies of it here; the name is found in Robert Bain's The Clans and Tartans of Scotland on page 11. The submitter believes the name to be an Anglicization (perhaps of the name 'Loarn' found in Black); it should therefore be acceptable to couple the name with an English surname. <Stark> is found in Reaney & Wilson, under 'Stark', dated to 1222 on page 425 of the third edition. He declines to accept changes to the name.

15. Lorn Stark Badge New

(An Tir)

(Fieldless) A wolf courant contourny sable

This badge utilizes the main charge from his device submission, above.

16. Loveday the Ribald Name & Device New

(Valley Wold)

Argent, a snake affronty hooded sable overall a mount rayonny vert

The submitter's name is meant to be Anglo-Saxon, and to mean 'Loveday - glorious, beloved' and 'Ribald - wittily indecent or coarse'. The meaning is the most important. Documentation submitted is Rev. Henry Barber's British Family Names, page 188, which gives <Loveday> and its meaning; also Hanks and Hodges' A Dictionary of Surnames, page 333, under 'Loveday', "…from the ME female given name Loveday…". From Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary comes <Ribald>, shown as "ME, fr. OF ribaut, ribauld wanton, rascal…".

17. Meryld Godewin of Kent Name New


Due to some postal problems not the fault of the submitter, I am recreating to the best of my ability her documentation; I apologize to her if I have neglected or mistaken a source. The given name <Meryld> comes from Talan Gwynek's Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames (by Reaney & Wilson), an extensive article posted on the internet. The name is dated to 1278. <Godewin> was found by the submitter on a Roll of names; however, it is also found in Reaney & Wilson's 3rd edition, under Godwin, with several spellings. Her preferred spelling is documented in the Roll of names that I do not yet have, but seems perfectly in keeping with the spellings given in R&W. The locative seems very straightforward.

18. Owen Brewer Name & Device New


Vert, a saltyre dividing four garbs argent

This gentleman's name submission was caught up in the same postal error as the previous submitter's. However, <Owen> is found in Reaney & Wilson's A Dictionary of English Surnames under 'Owen', as "Robertus filius Owen 1221". <Brewer> appears under the header (what else?) 'Brewer', with several spellings. The client would prefer the current English version of the word.

19. Petr·n O Coscraigh Name & Device New

(Three Mountains)

Per pale sable and argent a semy of roundels counterchanged

The submitter's name <Petr·n> occurs in O Corraign & Maguire, Gaelic Personal Names, page 152. <O Coscraigh> is from MacLysaght, The Surnames of Ireland, page 60. The name is Irish; the submitter declines to accept changes.

20. Richard de Mercia Name & Device New

(Glymm Mere)

Argent, a dragon passant gules and on a bordure azure six suns Or

The Domesday Book, edited by Thomas Hinde, shows, under 'Mercia', "Mercia, Edwin, Earl of Son of Earl Algar of East Anglia. Rebellious earl, killed by his own men, 1071." On the same page, <Richard> is shown, under 'Moeles'.

21. Rory Woulfe of Kildare Name & Device New

(False Isle)

Or, a wolf's head erased contourny, in chief a label throughout vert

This submitter included a courteous cover letter with his submission, stating that 'Woulfe of Kildare' is the portion of the submitted name he most wishes to retain. Beyond that, he would like to keep the general sound. MacLysaght, Irish Families, page 283, shows the surname <Woulfe>, including 'Rev. David Woulfe, S.J. (1523-1578)'. Also, on pages 38-39 of the same source, <Rory> is listed as 'an old Gaelic name' used before the 16th century.

22. Susan Paraventur Device resub/Kingdom

(Porte de L'eau)

Or, fretty azure within a bordure engrailed vert

Her name was registered in July, 1996. Her previous submission was Azure fretty Or within a bordure engrailed vert; before that, she submitted Or, fretty azure a bordure engrailed vert. The previous submission was returned at Kingdom for artistic and stylistic reasons, including the use of a bordure vert on a field azure. This is the same main charge that the submitter has offered before, with slight changes. Although a page from Foster's The Dictionary of Heraldry depicts a device which Foster blazons as fretty, which is described - I do not have the copy from Foster - as looking like this one, the previous submission had rounded corners on the lozenge part of the fret.

Fretty is usually drawn as interlacing ribands over the entire field, while a fret is drawn as a lozenge voided which is interlaced with two ribands, one of which passes over the other in the center of the field. This charge is neither fret nor fretty, as usually drawn; I believe that reproducibility from the blazon has been called into question on this charge's previous submission.

No photocopy of Foster accompanied this resubmission; the date for the usage from that book is given in the April ILoI 1997, as 1298 on the arms of Sir John de Hudleston.

23. Vasilisa Myshkina Badge New


(Fieldless) A holly leaf vert

Her name was on the February 1997 ILoI, her device on the April 1997 ILoI. Unfortunately, I am not able at time of writing to say when they were registered, as I lack the latest updates and the on-line O & A server is down. The badge makes use of the secondary charges from her device, Argent, a chevron between three holly leaves vert.

An Tir College of Heralds - Internal Letter - May 1998

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