An Tir Internal Letter of Intent

Free to all persons willing to comment on a regular basis

Commentary due on this letter at the April 18 1997 meeting

This letter is also available by subscription for $12.00 U.S./year


1 February AS XXXI (1997 CE)

Unto the An Tir College of Heralds and others who may read these words, Greetings from Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Lion's Blood Herald.

The Kingdom Heraldic Symposium has been set for the 19th of April at the Springwater Grange southeast of Portland Oregon. Sponsored by the Barony of Three Mountains (and held in conjunction with their Seargent-Yeoman-Gallant trials), there will be a potluck Fool's Feast in the evening. On Sunday, the 20th, the Lion's Blood meeting will be held at noon. followed by a Black Lion Staff meeting, both at Black Lion's home (Torric Inn Bjorn). Both these meetings are open to ANYONE interested in how the An Tir College of Heralds operates).

Comments on this letter are due by the 18th of April for inclusion in the decisions made on the April 20th (see above for site details.)

Comments for the January 1997 it (yes, the one that went out without a date) are due by Friday, March 14th. The meeting will be at Torric's home on March 16th at noon.

Decisions on the December 1996 IL will be made at the February 14th meeting at the Rose Valley Grange hall the day following River's Bend's Irish Feast. DIRECTIONS: From I-5 (north or south) take exit 36 and follow the signs for Carrolls. About 1.6 miles south of the exit turn left onto Rose Valley Rd. Follow this road for about 2.4 miles (the road turns left here) and just ahead on the left is the Grange hall. Crash space is available in the hall for Saturday night. The meeting will begin at noon.

And now for a few words from Dame Zenobia:

21 January 1997

Unto the College of Heralds of the Kingdom of An Tir does Dame Zenobia Naphtali, Couronne Rouge Herald, send greetings!

Before the last set of meeting minutes, I'd like to tender my thanks to some of the people who made being Lions Blood a pleasure. Thanks to the long-term and consistently producing commenters: David of Moffat and the Glymm Mere group, Elisabeth de Rossigol, the (always entertaining) S.H.O.W. in Wastekeep, and the Rivers group. (And for those of you who started more recently, keep up the good work!) Thanks to Etienne d'Avignon, Elizabeth Braidwood, and Coner o Draoi for putting the IL and various other heraldic resources on-line. Thanks to Katherine FitzAlan for helping me stuff envelopes when the thought of yet another empty envelope made my eyes cross. And of course, thanks to Ciaran for giving me the opportunity to do something else.

Thanks of course to those individuals who commented (or participated in commentary) or attended the January 4 Lions Blood meeting on the November IL: Frederic Badger (Red Tree), Catrin ferch Dafjldd, Drogo the Forgetful, David of Moffat (Electrum), Natasha Orionova Zateeva (Be Wayre), Kateryn of Falconkeep, Dair MacTaggart, Sorcha ni Fhaolain, Arianwen verch Kynwraidd ap Aeddan (Basilik), Inguz Sigrun Miksdottir, Maia of the Misty Oakes, Eithne of Vulcanfeld, Moreach nic Mhaolain, Elisabeth de Rossignol, Saewynn Silfrhafn, Elena Anne of Lostwithiel, Lynn de Drac and Ciaran Cluana Ferta. Thanks to Countess Elisabeth for offering her home for the meeting.

Old Submissions

The following submissions were forwarded to Laurel in the January 1997 Letter of Intent:

Alanus of Bunghea (new/name only) Bunghea is indeed documented as a place name (not just "a name") in the Domesday book; sorry the IL didn't provide more clarification. Commenters with a certain generation of less-than-licit photocopy of the Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Placenames may wish to note that the author of said book is surnamed Ekwall not (as miswritten) Eckwall.

Amice of Castleton (resub. K/badge) (Fieldless) A quatrefoil purpure charged with a fleur de lis Or.

An Tir, Kingdom of, for Caldera Herald (new/herald's title.) This title is intended for use by the herald for the Principality of the Summits. It was documented as the name for the bowl-shaped area at the top of a volcano. We could not justify such geographical features as sources for herald's titles unless they are also place names (according to Palimpsest Herald, the major sources for herald's titles are titles of nobility, place names not associated with titles of nobility, surnames, heraldic charges, and mottoes.) There is some small evidence for Caldera as a place name (a place in North-central Chile and Caldeira (the Portuguese version of the same word) as a mountain peak in the Azores) but nothing which is clearly period.

However, caldera is Spanish for cauldron. A cauldron is a common heraldic charge in Spain, Portugal and Navarre. Since it can be documented as a heraldic charge it should be a good name for a herald's title.

This should be clear of the Canton of Caldera Keep either by addition of the second element (Keep) by rule V.2.c. In this case Keep is an actual element, not used as a synonym for Household or some similarly invisible designator.

It should also be clear of the Province of Calderium. Although the two words sound somewhat similar, they should be audially distinct. They are not translations of each other, as Calderium is a Latin adjectival form pertaining to the warming of water, which is related but by no means identical to Caldera, which is a noun.

Briana von der Ostwache (new/name, device) Gules two natural seahorses addorsed and on a chief argent three fleurs-de-lis sable. As mentioned in the IL, Briana is an S.C.A.-compatible given name mentioned on the LoAR cover letter of June 1996, where it is said to be a modem feminization of Brian with no known period model.

It is true that Withycombe shows the name Brianus as a variant of Brian. However, not all names ending in -us can apparently be used to justify a female name which is the same but ending in -a. In Latin-derived names most male names ending in -us have corresponding female names ending in -a (Julius/Julia, Claudius/Claudia.) However, another source of Medieval names ending in -us is the latinization of male names. A random name without a Latin variant (such as Brian or Robert) would be latinized by a scribe as Brianus or Eduardus. However, there is no reason to believe that these Latinized male names spawned pseudo-latin female names such as Briana or Edwarda. Current College of Arms precedent holds that presence of a form ending in -us is not in itself enough to justify a female form ending in -a, it has to be a standard grammatical feature for that language (such as a Latin-derived name) or a specifically documented form. This is a fairly recent precedent (within the last few years.)

The name should only have one weirdness; the inclusion of the non-period Briana It seems unfair to count against Briana twice, once because it isn't period, and a second time because it is "made up to be British Isles style Celtic" and thus doesn't go well with a German locative such as von der Ostwache.

Elspeth MacTaggart (new/device) Quarterly vert and argent in bend sinister two falcons belled sable. This does not violate the rule on marshaling (quartered arms, in this case.) The arms use the same charge all over the field and are thus O.K. If there was some other type of charge on the vert quarters (such as argent mullets) this would be marshaling, but with the vert quarters uncharged (or charged with falcons belled argent) this does not appear to be marshaling.

Esperanza Razzolini d'Asolo, for Honorine Maria Steenhouwer (new/badge) Sable a trimount Or each mount charged with a fleur-de-lys florency sable. The fleurs-de-lys are as in her device (registered February 1995) where they are also blazoned as florency.

This should be clear of Juhana Maununpoika Kivisuo: Sable a crane in its vigilance atop a trimount Or. In Juhana's arms the crane (standing on top of the trimount, and blazoned first) is the primary charge. Addition of a primary charge is sufficient difference between two armories by rule X.1. However, even if the crane is just held to be a charge group on the field, there is one CD for its addition by X.4.b and another CD for deleting the group of charges on charges (the fleurs-de-lys) by X.4.i.

GuČrin de Bourgogne (new/name, device) Per chevron inverted argent and gules a pale counterchanged.

Jean de Montaigne (resub. K/device) Per bend azure and purpure on a bend between two natural dolphins naiant bendwise argent a natural dolphin naiant purpure. This is clear of Anastacia of Starfall: Per bend azure and purpure on a bend between two owls statant to sinister argent a comet head to base sable. There is one CD for the change of type of the (secondary) group of charges on the field (dolphins to owls) and another CD for the change of type and tincture of a group of charges on charges (the central dolphin to the comet.)

Kira M'Dougall (new/name only)

Marina of Vinewood (new/name, device) Per pall azure argent and sable a sprig of grape vine argent and two spaniel dogs combatant sable and argent. Vs. Gregory Falconheart: Tierced per pall Or, vert and azure, two hounds rampant addorsed argent, spotted sable, and in chief a grape cluster slipped and leaved proper there is one CD for the field tincture and another CD for changing the tincture of 2/3 of the charge group (one hound and the grapes.) Changing the type, tincture or posture of more than 1/2 of the charge group is worth a CD.

Saint Giles, College of (resub./name, device) Azure, on a cross argent between four laurel wreathes Or five martlets gules. The group provided the necessary petition. There is still some question as to whether the group is officially incipient (has paperwork filed with the Seneschal) or not, since it was not listed in the Crier during the commentary cycle. However, the Kingdom Seneschal was written inquiring about any problems with the group, and no response was received. The Kingdom Seneschal's deputy for incipient groups was also spoken to about this and she didn't say anything; thus we assume the group's name should go forward.

As for matters of possible conflict with mundane places named Saint Giles, the Administrative Handbook, Protected Items section, states "Generic descriptive names outside the Society will not be protected except where the name is immediately associated with a single significant location." The widespread nature of places named after St. Giles leads us to believe that this is a Generic Descriptive (place named after the very popular St. Giles) and therefore the individual place names of the Saint Giles form that may show up in some geographical dictionary are not protected in the way that place names such as London are protected.

Some examples of places named after St. Giles include: the town of Saint-Gilles in the Brabant, the town of Saint-Gilles in the Card dept. of southern France (both in Webster's New Geographical Dictionary p.1044), Saint Giles in the Heath and Saint Giles in the Wood both in Ekwall p.400 (where the added descriptives are not necessarily found in the period forms), and the 162 "ancient churches" and at least 24 hospitals in England named after St. Giles in Farmer's Oxford Dictionary of Saints p.205-206. The policy of naming churches after St. Giles is also found on the Continent, Electrum recalls seeing a number of references to chapels or churches named St. Giles while going through various art books.

Saint Giles, College of (resub. K/badge) (Fieldless) A monk-fish naiant to sinister argent. More standard S.C.A. blazon would term this charge a mer-monk vested naiant to sinister argent, and we would not object to such a blazon. However, monk-fish seemed so... medieval... we thought we

would give the College's blazon a try. We are aware that there is an animal called a "monkfish" which is an ugly but tasty fish. Presumably if this monster were registered as a monk-fish any attempts to later register the actual fish would be blazoned as a natural monk-fish.

Wealdsmere, Barony of, for Order of the Golden Osprey (new/order name, badge) Azure, an osprey rising wings addorsed argent between in fess an oak leaf inverted and an oak leaf Or. The osprey really is argent; this is not a typo. This is clear of the Shire of the Osprey by addition of an element to an unmodified root element by rule V.2.c.

This should be clear of Rorik Fredericksson: Azure a grey goose volant bendwise wings elevated and addorsed proper. There is probably one CD for posture (although in reflection after the meeting, maybe not...) and one CD for addition of the Oak Leaves. The External LoI being sent out I guess we will see if any commentary is raised on this issue. Personally I believe in the Da'ud precedent that gave precedent vs. wildly disparate types of bird, so that even though a raven might not be given a CD from a hawk (due to blotchy outline drawing), "a duck is a duck" and a CD from other non-duck-like birds. Should this conflict be raised I will find that precedent again, although it may not hold as I believe current Laurel has overruled the "duck is not just another bird" precedent in the last few months.

Wealdsmere, Barony of (new/badge) Per fess wavy Or and barry wavy azure and argent a sea lion tail reflexed over its head sable. The posture of the sea-lion is to be found in late period German armory. We did not use the blazon "a ford.... overall a sea-lion" for two reasons. One is that a ford (like any variant of a base) should not be more than the bottom 1/3 of the shield and this is more like half the shield. The other more important reason is that period heraldic style did not have the main charge on the field overlap onto the peripheral charges (bordures, bases, chiefs) and such overlap is generally a reason for return.

Wealdsmere, Barony of, for Order of the Golden Acorn (new/order name) Clear of the Order of the Acorn by rule V.2.c.

The following submissions were returned for further work:

Abigail MacLachlan (resub. K/device) Argent a whip sable and a dexter tierce azure. Returned for stylistic reasons. The exact position of the whip was difficult to blazon. The standard heraldic whip is blazoned more from the position of the handle (the lash following the handle's direction); this whip is kind of 'all over the place' and we thought it would not be considered an acceptably heraldic depiction by Laurel Sovereign of Arms. It was also suggested that the whip be drawn more boldly with a thicker lash, to make it easier to see.

A possible conflict was raised with Deadra Colin Madoc: Argent a drover's whip bendwise sinister lash in action sable. Two pieces of armory need to have two "clear" or "cadency" differences between them to avoid the appearance of direct blood relation. One such difference can be gotten from the addition of the (peripheral) charge group on the field (the tierce.) However, since the position of the whip is so indeterminate, we were not sure a second difference should be given for position of the whip.

Vs. Ruy d'Oute: Argent a dexter tierce azure in canton a wheel Or we interpret this as having the wheel on the tierce in which case this is clear by rule X. 1 because a primary charge (the whip) has been added. If the wheel is on the field (and thus low contrast Or on argent) there should be X.2-type difference for significant difference in type of primary charge in simple armory (enough to be clear on its own.) Or, one could count two CDs for change of type and tincture of a (primary) charge group on the field.

Dair MaeTaggart (new/device) Argent a wyvern contourny within a bordure dovetailed gules. Returned for stylistic reasons concerning the drawing. Heraldic art is designed to have all the elements be bold and identifiable. In this emblazon, the dovetailed line on the bordure is drawn very shallowly; where the dovetails should be about as tall as they are wide, these are about 1/5 as tall as they are wide, Laurel Sovereign of Arms present and past have both returned lines of division for being drawn in this fashion, and we believe this device as drawn will not be considered registerable. The number and width of the dovetailing is quite good; they do need to extend farther into the shield.

In addition the wyvern's wings are not quite drawn in a heraldic fashion. They are not quite addorsed (which would have them both back to back) or displayed (where the wyvern's right wing would be as drawn, but the left wing would be extended onto the field in front of it.) Instead the left wing is slightly displayed, and also has the problem that it overlaps the head of the wyvern making it hard to identify. This might well be considered a reason for return on the grounds of identifiability.

This should be clear of Damon the Goth: Argent a demi-dragon displayed gules charged on the breast with a tower argent, all within a bordure gules. There is one CD for charge type between a bordure and a bordure dovetailed. There is another for adding the charge on the breast of the dragon (a charge on charges is given a CD for addition/deletion by X.4.i.) There is almost certainly a third CD between a demi-dragon and a wyvern for charge type as well.

This should also be clear of Amber Ulfsdottir: Argent a dragon courant to sinister gules within a bordure sable semy of crescents argent. There is one CD for the type of the bordure (plain vs. dovetailed), one for the tincture (sable vs. gules) and one for the addition of the group of charges on charges (the crescents).

Seumas Camshronach an Lochabair (new/badge) Sable four dragon wings in saltire conjoined at the shoulders those in bend Or and those in bend sinister argent. Returned for stylistic reasons. The College of Heralds assembled at the Lions Blood meeting and in the commentary pool found it very hard to identify the charges as drawn as dragon's wings (which should be drawn more or less as bat wings.) A common confusion was found with certain kinds of leaves and with fans. It was felt that given current Laurel precedents this armory would be extremely unlikely to be viewed as registerable as drawn. In addition it was felt that if the ribbing on the wings is to be done in a different color than the webbing it would be advisable for the sake of identifiability to do the ribbing in a high-contrast color with the webbing, not a lower-contrast color. As drawn the ribbing is a mere artistic detail but often this part of a dragon's wing is shown taking up almost half the charge tincture.

As can be seen from the somewhat awkward blazon we felt that this arrangement of charges is difficult to reproduce. A future redrawing of this badge should strive to make the posture of the wings easier to blazon.

Gypsy Morrgain Maclarien of the Clan MacLarien (new/name, device) Per chevron vert and argent a decrescent and increscent argent and a brown bear passant contourny proper a bordure countercompony Or and vert. Returned for stylistic reasons. Gypsy does not appear to be a given name in period. It is a close spelling variant of a word (filed under Gypsy in the Oxford English Dictionary, which begins use in the 16th c. as gypcyan) which refers to the wandering tribe of peoples. According to the same source by the early 17th c. it becomes a derogatory term form women meaning more or less 'baggage' or 'hussy.' Although Gypsy may be her legal given name of use, the documentation she provided showed it as a middle name (Brenda Gypsy Lee Hayes on a birth certificate.) According to the Rules for Submission section 11.4 the 'legal name allowance' only applies to names in the same position of the name; thus the Legal Name allowance would allow her to substitute Gypsy as a middle name but not as a given name or surname. If she were to document Gypsy as a legal given name with some other document (such as a driver's license under the name of Gypsy Mouritzen or Gypsy Hayes) then the legal name allowance might apply. However, it is also possible that the name might be considered "obtrusively modern" when used as a given name by the College of Arms, which might cause return even when the name is documented as a legal name.

We considered whether the name Gypsy could be used as a preceding epithet (such as "Little" in "Little John") but felt the overall structure of the name was too late-period for a functional epithet of this nature to be found in the name.

Morgaine seems to be a late period Welsh form of the surname Morgan, according to Welsh Surnames by Morgan and Morgan. It is not clear whether Morrgain would be an acceptable spelling of the given name Morgan. It is also not clear to us whether the doubled 'r' in Morrgain would be an acceptable variant of this name. The documented form (mhic Morgain) is in Irish or Scots Gaelic and would appear to put the 'I' in Morgain to mark the genitive form from a presumed nominative (given name) form of Morgan.

The surname form MacLarien of the Clan MacLarien also has some grammatical problems. We cannot justify MacLarien as a spelling variant of MacLaren; the sound is significantly changed by the inclusion of the i. Further documentation would be necessary in order to support this. The form MacLarien of the Clan MacLarien might also be held to imply chieftainship of the Clan. This may give rise to technical problems of pretense (appearing to be head of a mundane Scots clan, and landed.)

The device may not be sent up without a name either accompanying it or in the submissions process before it, so it may not be sent up because of the name return. However, it is probably necessary to redraw the bordure countercompony so that it matches most depictions, with the 'compony' bits drawn with radial and vertical lines rather than with horizontal lines and vertical lines (as has been drawn here.) We also note that the design of an decrescent, an increscent and a <third thing> are is currently held to be considered two types of things (crescents addorsed, and a <thing>) in one group rather than three types of thing in one group. (Three types of thing in one group is a design which is returned for overcomplexity by the Rules of Submission.) However, this issue is before the College of Arms currently and it is possible that the design will soon be considered three different types of things rather than two.

Principality of the Summits (resub. K/badge) Azure a griffin passant holding a sword argent. Returned for reasons of conflict. This is in conflict with Turlough van Garth: Azure a griffin displayed coward breathing flames argent. In this case, there is one Clear Difference for the posture of the griffin (passant vs. displayed) but no difference for the small artistic detail of the flames, or for the small sword being held in the griffin's claw. (According to a very recent ruling by Laurel Sovereign of Arms, in order for a 'held' charge to be worth difference, it must be equal in size to the animal holding it. In these cases we blazon the charge as 'sustained.' But the sword here is much smaller than the griffin; its addition is not worth difference.) A second Clear Difference is needed.

This also conflicts with the badge of Serena Lascelles: (Fieldless) A griffin passant argent. There is one Clear Difference between fieldless armory and any other field (including another fieldless). However, since the addition of the sword is not worth difference, there is no second difference.

It also conflicts with the device of Edlyn Deva: Azure a griffon passant between in chief three cinquefoils argent and in base a hedgehog argent. There is one Clear Difference for removing the surrounding secondary charge group (the cinquefoils + the hedgehogs). However, again, there is no second difference.

Barony of Wealdsmere for Order of the Oak's Blood (new/order name, badge) Gules an oak tree eradicared proper fimbriated Or. The name for the Order of the Oak's Blood was held not to follow period formation of Order names, as far as we can tell. We note that some of the registered order names and herald's titles (such as The Order of the Astral Clarion, the Order of the Watchful Flame of Trimaris and Lion's Blood Herald) also do not follow formation of period order names or herald's titles -- however they were registered at a time when the S.C.A.'s scholarship was less adept, and continue to be registered via the Grandfather clause. The Goutte de Sang is a standard heraldic charge; since heraldic charges are used as models for Order names, this cannot be considered equivalent. Oak's Blood does not seem to be a standard motto, heraldic charge, religious item or similar source for period Order names.

The badge was returned because fimbriation is only allowed for the simplest heraldic charges, and it was felt that a tree was too complex to fimbriate. In addition this conflicts with a badge of the Barony of Madrone: (Fieldless) a madrone tree eradicated proper. In order to be clear of conflict, two pieces of armory need to have two Clear Differences (or Cadency Differences) between them, such that they would be easily visible and would have been used to indicate one degree of blood relatedness (parent/child) in period when used in arms. In this case, one such Clear Difference can be gotten by rule X4a between fieldless armory and any other field (including fieldless). However fimbriation is not considered to be worth difference. The difference between an oak tree proper as drawn here and a madrone tree proper is negligible (the degree of red-brown of the trunks.) A second Clear Difference is needed.

Barony of Wealdsmere (new/badge) Azure an acorn Or within an orle of four acorns stems to center and four oak leaves argent. There are problems with the reproducibility of the blazon. The leaves are not 'stems in fess' (which would have the stems fesswise.) We can't quite figure out how to blazon their position. In addition, the use of two different sizes of the same charge in different charge groups (such as Sable mullety argent, a mullet Or, where the central mullet is bigger than the surrounding ones) has long been considered unregisterable style. The use of two sizes of acorns may be considered to have the same problem In addition we are not sure of the propriety of registering an orle alternating of two different charge types. We know of a couple of real-world examples but they are extremely rare and we are not sure that they are registerable (without resorting to a Documented Period Style exception.)

Barony of Wealdsmere, Order of the Sable Sea Lion (new/Order name) Returned for conflict with the S.C.A. herald's title of the Sea Lion Pursuivant, registered to the Kingdom of the West. Order names and herald's titles conflict with each other; the difference in designator does not carry any difference. (This becomes quite reasonable when one considers that many period Orders had their own herald, often with the same name as the Order. Garter Principal King of Arms in England (among other things, herald to the Order of the Garter) is a well known example.) While addition of an element (adjective, second noun) to an unmodified noun is sufficient to avoid conflict (so Order of the Sea Lion is clear of Order of the Lion) addition of an adjective is not sufficient to avoid conflict to an already modified noun, which is the case here (see Rules for Submission V.2.c for more details.)

We did discuss in the meeting whether Sea Lion was a two-element name or a one element name (Sealion) but felt that technically the elements were separate so it was a two element name. We have suggested that they contact Vesper Principal Herald for permission to conflict, this probably being easier than trying to argue around whether Sable Sealion was or was not in conflict with Sea Lion.

New Submissions:

Please comment on content and style. Please note that when armory is submitted I will invariably use the blazon proposed by the submitter (and occasionally allow myself the luxury of a proposed re-blazon {marked by these curly brackets) if it may be difficult to figure out the intentions of the submitter from his/her proposed blazon).

1 ) Kingdom of An Tir, for The Crier new/Badge

(Fieldless) A hand bell Or.

The name was registered in August 1979 or earlier, as was the current badge. It is unclear from the file (and, indeed, the Ordinary & Armorial) whether this is, in fact, a Kingdom submission or not. But on the assumption that it is, I have spoken to the submitters regarding the need of support of the Crown for armory registered to the Kingdom, and am awaiting receipt of a letter expressing the approval of Their Majesties. I am also writing to Laurel to clarify the holder of the earlier badge registration. It is unclear whether the current badge is to be released if this submission passes.

2 ) Darbie of Ironmaid (Wealdsmere) new/Badge

Sable, a dragon statant erect to sinister argent breathing flames proper within a bordure rayonny Or.

Her name was registered in November '92.

3) Douglas Lachlan MacFarlane (Mountain Pass) resub-K/Device

Gules, three piles inverted and on a chief Or three war hammers sable.

His name is awaiting disposition at Laurel. His previous device submission was returned at Kingdom in September 1996 for a number of artistic reasons addressed by this resubmission.

4) Girard Aus Breman (Glymm Mere) new/Name,Device

Sable, on a plate an oak leaf vert within a bordure argent.

Intended to be German for Girard from Bremen, he cites Searle's Onomadicon Anglo-Saxonicum (p. 258, sub Girardus), and p. 57 of a volume entitled Deurschlande Geographische Namenwelt, but supplies no photocopies.

5) Glymm Mere, Barony of for the Order of the Crystal of Glymm Mere (Western) new/Name

A letter of permission to conflict (with the Barony of Loch Salann's Order of the Crystal of the Salt Wastes, Order of the Crystal Heart) is included with the submission. The letter is signed by the Baron and Baroness, Seneschale and Herald of Loch Salann, and the King Queen and Seneschale of Atenveldt, along with Aten Herald's signature. Aten also gives permission to conflict with the title of Crystal Pursuivant (registered to Atenveldt for the use of loch Salann).

6) Glymm Mere, Barony of for the Order of the Red Hart (Western) resub-K/Name

This was originally submitted as the Order of the Red Deer, but was returned in September 1996 for conflict.

7) Gwyneth Audewyncle (Wealdsmere) new/Device

Azure, upon a pile vert fimbriated ermine a harp Or transfixed by a threaded needle argent.

Her name was registered in March '96.

8) Hannah Hadassah Hamil (Ramsgaard) resub-K/Device

Checky gules and argent, mullet of six points voided and interlaced purpure within a bordure purpure.

Her name was registered in July 1996. Her previous device (Checky gules and argent, two triquetra voided and interlaced within a bordure purpure) was returned at Kingdom for lack of identifiability of the primary charge. This re-submission clears up this problem.

9) Karl von der Ostwache (Wealdsmere) resub/Badge

(Fieldless) Issuant from a wall couped sable a tower argent, it's beacon enflamed gules,

But his herald suggests: (Fieldless) Atop a tower argent issuant from a wall couped sable a beacon enflamed gules.

His name was registered in October 1992. His badge was returned in July 1996 for artistic reasons which rendered the charges unidentifiable. This resubmission takes into account the suggestions made at that time.

10) LjŪtr Einarson (Krakenfjord) resub/Name,Device

Per saltire, vert and Or, in chief a dexter gauntlet fesswise reversed maintaining a hammer palewise argent, in fess two wolves heads erased addorsed sable.

His previous name submission (Lothar Sk–llson) was returned in September'96 for stylistic reasons, and the device for conflict. LjŪtr is shown in Geirr Bassi (p. 13) as a male given name found in the Landn·mabŪk. Einarr is shown in the same source (p.9) as a male given name also found in the Landn·mabŪk (for 28 individuals). Page 17 of Geirr Bassi (under formation of patronymics) suggests that the genitive case of Einarr would be formed Einars-, giving the patronymic form: Einarsson.

11) Magdalen MacKenzie (Mountain Pass) resub-K/Device

Gules, a sun in splendor and on a chief wavy Or three roses gules.

Her name is currently at Laurel. Her prior device submission was returned in September 1996 for reasons of style, conflict and artwork. This resubmission seems to address the concerns raised with only minor adjustments.

12) Mary Ellen LeBret (Wealdsmere) new/Name,Device

Or, a quatrefoil azure and on a chief azure a saltire Or.

Mary is shown in Withycombe (p. 211) dated to 1082. Ellen is also shown in Withycombe(p. 101) dated to 1346.

LeBret is said to be documented from Dauzat's Dictionaire etymologie (?) p. 377.

13) Morgaine Essex (Ramsgaard) resub-K/Device

Gules, two needles in saltire points to chief argent threaded Or, on a chief Or a domestic cat couchant sable.

Her name was registered in July 1996. Her previous device submission (Gules, two needles inverted in saltire argent threaded sable on a chief argent a cat dormant guardant sable) was returned at Kingdom for lack of identifiability of the cat. It was also noted that the thread in the needles was of poor contrast to the field and Lion's Blood suggested the removal of the thread or an increase in the size and change of tincture of the thread to Or. These: problems have been addressed in the resubmission.

14) Swan the Red (Madrone) change/Name, new/Badge

(Fieldless) A keystone Or.

His name was registered in June '94 from the Kingdom of the West as Swan the Red of Stonehall. I have requested his file from Vesper. While no documentation is provided, the change would remove the location, leaving the other two name elements intact.

15) Thorvald the Gentle(Krakenfjord) resub-K/Device

Goutty de poix, a bear paw within a bordure sable.

His name is pending at Laurel. His previous device was returned at kingdom in November 1996 for stylistic problems. While pawprints are still an SCA "weirdness': this removes the second "weirdness" encountered in his original submission. The field is argent.

16) Vasilisa Myshkin (Glymm Mere) new/Name

Vasilisa is shown from A Dictionary of Period Russian Names (version 1.3, p. 195, Paul Wickenden of Thanet) to mean "queen". It is dated as a personal name from 1419. Vikontessa Tatiana Nikolaevna Tumanova's The Compleat Russian Name Book (p. 115) shows that Myshkin is a surname derived from a nickname (meaning "mouse").

17) William Dermot MacPherson (Madrone) resub-K/Device

Per bend sinister raguly ermine and purpure a cross potent sable and a sea-lion erect Or.

His name is currently at Laurel, but his device was returned last December (1996) for artistic reasons. He has included the suggestions made in the return in this resubmission.

18) Canton of Wyewood(Madrone) new/Device

Or, a pall nowy azure between three trees blasted and eradicated sable a laurel wreath Or.

The Canton's name is awaiting approval by Laurel.

An Tir College of Heralds - Internal Letter - February 1997

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